Item 8.1 - Ammnd to Agreement CDBG - -0, AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~lt ~ Warren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelopm~nt Service vJ~ David Narevsky, Redevelopment Manager ~ Kris Gridley, Redevelopment Coordinator ~ DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECI': Amendment to Agreement between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego for Management and Implementation of the Community Development Block Grant Funded Housing Rehabilitation Program ABSTRACT In order to provide additional funding for the continued implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded Housing Rehabilitation Program, an amendment to Management and Implementation Agreement #34766 between the City and the County is required. The City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved an Amendment document on September 5, 1995. This item has been rescheduled because the County has requested some modifications to the Amendment document. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Review of the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program was conducted at the time the Program was initially approved. No additional review is required for the proposed Amendment. FISCAL IMPACT On September 5 the City Council/Redevelopment Agency appropriated $154,250 from the Redevelopment Agency BO% unappropriated fund balance (Account #436-8912) to cover project costs prior to receiving CDBG funding reimbursements from the County. No additional appropriation is required. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached First Amendment to Agreement for Management and Implementation of a CDBG Project. ACTION - 1 of 8 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8.d-a .- AGENDA REPOR1' CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. Th~re will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed fr~~ ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a shp IndIcating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager'b'~ ,,~ Warren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelop~nt Service~ David Narevsky, Redevelopment Manager b Kris Gridley, Redevelopment Coordinator ~ DATE: September 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego for Management and Implementation of the Community Development Block Grant Funded Housing Rehabilitation Program BACKGROUND On September 5, 1995 the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved a First Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego for Management and Implementation of the Community Development Block Grant funded Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Amendment will enable the County to reimburse the City an additional total of $154,250 in Twenty-First- Year (Fiscal 95-96) CDBG funding for the completion of housing rehabilitation projects for low and very-low income Poway residents. On September 6, 1995 the County notified City staff that the format of the approved Amendment document required some revisions. The revisions will condense the document by eliminating several paragraphs and incorporating the changes to the Scope of Work in the body of the Amendment Document rather than including them as an attachment. Attachment 2 shows the changes in a "redline strikeout" format. FINDINGS In accordance with the cooperative agreement between the City and the County of San Diego, an Amendment to the existing Management and Implementation Agreement must be executed prior to use of the additional $154,250 in Twenty- First Year funding. ACTION: 2 of 8 1 2 1995 8.;<'. - Agenda Report September 12. 1995 Page 2 Provided in Attachment 1 is the revised First Amendment to Management and Implementation Agreement for the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Amendment specifies the scope of work, estimated time schedule and estimated budget for the Program. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject Amendment is classified as a continuation of a previously approved project and does not require further environmental review. FI SCAl IMPACT On September 5 the City Council/Redevelopment Agency appropriated $154,250 from the Redevelopment Agency Unappropriated Fund Balance (Account Number 436- 8912). This SI54,250, in combination with the previous appropriation of S110,070 will provide a total of $264,320 to cover project costs prior to receiving CDBG funding reimbursements from the County. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached, revised First Amendment to Agreement for Management and Implementation of a Community Development Block Grant Project. Attachments: 1. First Amendment to Agreement for Management and Implementation of a Community Development Block Grant Project 2. Previous Agreement Document Showing Changes in Redline Strikeout Format - 3 of 8 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8.~. FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the Agreement for Management and Implementation of a Community Development Block Grant Project (County Contract Number 34766) between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway entered into this day of , 1995 by and between the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "County" ) and the CITY OF POWAY (hereinafter referred to as "City") , WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the County and the City have earlier entered into an Agreement for management and implementation of a Community Development Block Grant project (County Contract No. 34766) ; and WHEREAS, said Agreement authorized funds for the operation of a Residential Rehabilitation Program which addresses basic health and safety deficiencies in single family homes owned and occupied by low-income resident of Poway, which deficiencies are not addressed by other City of Poway or Poway Redevelopment Agency residential rehabilitation programs; and WHEREAS, the City of poway has requested that an additional $154,250 of Community Development Block Grant funds be allocated to provide for the completion of additional housing rehabilitation projects, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. Paragraph 3 of said County Contract Number 34766 is amended to read as follows: 3. Comoensation: County agrees to pay City total compensation for implementing the project described herein project costs not to exceed the sum of $264,320. 2 . Item 3 of Attachment "All, Scope of Work of said County Contract Number 34766, is amended to read as follows: Estimated Time Schedule: The City of poway will make all good faith and reasonable efforts to implement the project in compliance with the following estimated implementation schedule: 4 of 8 Attachment 1 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8.';>: II - - - Inspections and Work Write-ups November 1995 Loan Closings February 1996 Completion of Rehabilitation Projects September 1996 3 . Item 4 of attachment "A", Scope of Work of said County Contract Number 34766, is amended to read as follows: Estimated Budaet: The City of poway will make all good faith and reasonable efforts to implement the project in accordance with the following budget, but in no case shall funds be reimbursed in excess of the total compensation described in Paragraph Number 3 of this contract: Loan Funding $229,337 Consultant Fees 26,432 Title Reports 1,500 Appraisals 3,125 Loan Documents 3.750 Total $264,320 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this First Amendment to be executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF POWAY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO By By ### - 5 of 8 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8.~. - FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the Agreement for Management and Implementation of a Community Development block Grant Project (County Contract No. 34766) between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway, entered into this day of Se,~eaBer, 1995, by and between the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of poway (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the County and the City have earlier entered into an Agreement for management and implementation of a Community Development Block Grant project (County Contract No. 34766); and WHEREAS, said Agreement authorized funds for the operation of a Residential Rehabilitation Program which addresses basic health and safety deficiencies in single family homes owned and occupied by low-income residents of poway, which deficiencies are not addressed by other City of poway or poway Redevelopment Agency residential rehabilitation programs; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that an additional $154,250 of Community Development Block Grant funds be allocated to provide for the completion of additional housing rehabilitation projects, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. Paragraph 3 of said County Contract No. 34766 is amended to read as follows: 3. Comoensation: County agrees to pay City total compensation for implementing the project described herein projects costs not to exceed the sum of $264,320. 2. 11111~'~~a:=~~~~m~~tr:Z~ ;~ ~~i~o;~~nty Contract Hi~pi* Attachment 2 6 of 8 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8. ;2..11 - . SgapS 9. .aRK Tae ei~y af Pe~ay Raa a eer~aiR prejeet te se implementes uftser ~~: ~'~~~ie~a aRa TveRty Firs~ Year eemm~Rity.eevel;;::~: :l::J{ :~aR~ (CE3BC) rY8gram. The wer][ te se aees.p11sheel se t. tHe feller..riftEjI 1. 'PRe rewa} Reele7ele~.eftt. AEjeRsy eurreftt.ly sperat.e. aft ~~!e;~~~~~ ~e~~~Rg Reftaeili~a~ieR Pregpam ~ftieB is faftaea ey taB hgcncy's L.eu Brul KeEierat.e tRsellS lIel::lSiflg F\l,ul. The ei~y Oe~fteil has elesides t.e sperat.e a BupplemeRt.al ~~a~R' Rehaeilit.at.isR Pre,ram te se f~Releel BY a pert.isR af t.ke eit.y's 29t.h aReI 21st Year ease graRt.s. Thc sa~~lemeRtal, cese pregram is iR~eRaea ~e ~re~iae lea:s :er ~=:y law aRd lev lResae aemeewRers was are iReligiel f r :~: :~!efley' 9 &~.fferaasle IIsl:lsifllj Reaaeilit.at.isR l'rslJraBl beeaase their aeasiA, east is t.ee hi,h te meet. the Eiefi.Ritisft af "afferElaslell seRt-aiRed 1ft SaliferRia Reae~elep.eR~ ~aw. 'Pae SBBG: lIe\:1SifuJ RehasilitatieR Pregralll will effeE' sere iR~eres~, deferred, fer!iviR! leaRs ef ~, ~e $8,999 ~e le~ aHa very let: iPleeme hemeewflers vhe viah ~e \u\de:r~a]Ee heme ~~~~~~e~t ~rejee~s ei~fter ~e remeay fteal~ft aRa safe~y pr~blems er ~e address sasia maiftteRaRee Reess. It is estima~ea ~fta~ ~he a~ailasle taRaiR! will se aae~~a~e ~e preeess fram 2$ ~a 39 leaRs. Tae ei~y 6ill re~aiR a eeRsal~aR~ ~e aamiRis~e:r ~he rre!ram. Estimated Time Schedule: The City of poway will make all good faith and reasonable efforts to implement the project in compliance with the following estimated implementation schedule: CeRtraet ^~pre~al Sep'temlger 1995 Inspections and Work Write-ups November 1995 Loan Closings February 1996 Completion of Rehabilitation Projects September 1996 3. 1IIIIrtlllllllllllllilBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIM Estimated BUdaet: The City of poway will make all good faith and reasonable efforts to implement the project in accordance with the followin~ bud~et+W Iij~ - iilillilil~~IIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII['tlllll ,.:.,.:':-,-,.:...;.:.,.:':.,.,.",...:':.:.:':.:-,......-,-.'.._.......,-...-.--'-'....-'.......-.-.. 7 of 8 SEP 1 2 1995 ITEM 8.~1I ~- CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program Scope of Work Page 2 28T~ AND 21ST YBAR ALLOGATION PGa GDBS HOUSINS RBHABI~ITATIONI $2'.,328 Loan Funding $229,337 Consultant Fees $26,432 Title Reports $1,500 Appraisals $3,125 Loan Documents S3.750 Total $264,320 IIIUI'.illllllllllll.llllllllIliillll.1B1111111111lIt ......,..,...............,. !;+ai'II;~!I~~i,iJJ.ii.;J;;;;';';;[i;i!::;;';i:iJ;i,i;i:';lj,;ii.;ij;:j1[!!;il'!'i;.~i:~'ItlD:;I;~la ;;:';;1,#'#;'1/'#'" ...... . .--......-....................-.......... ...... ........................ 8 of 8 SEP 1 2 me; ~u " ~_