1986 05-06 Agenda CITY C~ PC~AY CITY ~IL ;XT~A~A R]~JLAR ~£J_NG - MAY 6, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CITY CCX~CIL ~ - 13325 CIVIC C~r£~a DP/VE 1. ROLL CALL - 5MERY, 0RAV~C, TARZY, KRUSE 2. PLEDGE OF - DEPUTY MAYOR 3. -" Traffic Safety Week" - May 18-24, 1986 4. PUBLIC O~AL IT~4S NU~ERED 7 %!4R~3GH 13 MAY BE ~TfED IN ONE MOTION ~ ~IS ~I~ ~ ~ ~r~. ~ ~ BE ~ S~ ~E I~ P~OR ~ ~ ~ ~IL V~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~.F.~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~ ~C ~T SP~IFIC I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E ~I~ ~ ~ ~ BE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ICH ~ ~P~ ~ ~ ~A. ~ Y~ ~SH ~ ~ ~ I~, P~E FI~ ~ A SLIP ~ G~ ~ ~ 5. of Midland Road Capital ] Project, Twin Peaks Road to Norwalk Street, City of Poway of the effects which could be caused as a result of the subject project. CITY , Close public hearing; issuance of Negative 6. Use Permit 86-05 and Minor Review 86-31, City of Pcway a request for approval for the use of a trailer (20' by 60') for use as office space for the Public Services D on the grounds of Pcway City Hall; located at 13325 Civic Center Drive. CITY Close public hearing; adopt Planning with *EXHIBIT 5~CLOSSD ~ NO. IS 86-0 1 %EXHIBIT IN NEX~ NO. IS 1 0 NEXT PLANNING RES. NO. IS P-86- 6 NEXT RES. NO. IS R-86-1 CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL ~ENDA May 6, 1986 Page 2 7. *Approval of Minutes - City Council: April 22, 1986, Regular M~eting 8. *Approval of Minutes - Agency: April 22, 1986, Regular Meeting 9. of Warrant Register - A~ril 24, 1986 10.*Award of Bid: Asphalt Roller and Base Material Spreader ll.*Status report policy on City from Nov'ember 12, 1985, Item 12). 12.*Award of Bid: P~erado Road 13. for for San Diego Region Water THIS IS AN INFORMAL WORKSHOP ~i~rING OF THE COUNCIL AND IS N~r DESIGNSD FOR PUBLIC EXCEPT BY THE HOWEVER, IF YO~ F~.~. YC(3 HAVE TO THE AGENDA, YOU MAY ARRANGE FOR INPUT WITH THE MAYOR PRIOR TO THE MEETING. 14. - Health - 15706 P(m%erado Road. CITY MAN;~R ~ 15. CITY ~ ITEMS 16. CITY COUNCIL ~ 17. R~BERT ~MERY 18. LIN~)A CRAV~C 19. MARY 20. BRUCE TARZY 21. CARL KRUSE CITY OF POWAY CITY COONCILAG~lkIDA May 6, 1986 Page 3 to Thursday, May 8, 1986, 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 13325 CiVic Center Drive. ~/:~DAFCRMAYS, 1986 For ' of it~ans on the Workshop Agenda, please call the city Clerk's Office, Pre-Applications for General Plan Amendment - 1986 1. P-GPA 86-02B - Claudia Serra/ Rowsey - 2.15 acres - Existing RS-4 - Proposed RC. 2. P-GPA 86-02E - Leo /John Kalina - 1.52 acres - Existing RS-7 - Proposed MS. 3. P-GPA 86-02F -RayRuss - 0.35 acres - Existing RR-C - Proposed CG. 4. P-GPA 86-02G - Anthony Aviano/C.F. Poway Ltd. - 3.50 acres - Existing RS-2 - Proposed RAandOS. 5. P-GPA 86-02H - Maria Navarrow - 0.38 acres - Existing RS-7 - Proposed MS. 6. P-GPA 86-02I - Nolan Wright/ERB Inc. - 1.73 acres - Exist- ing RR-C - Proposed - RS-4.