Item 4 - ADDITIONAL MATERIAL - Landscape Maintenance District San Diego, (619) 292-1040 May 6, 1986 File (P3) (3) JN 4670-075 Mr. John Fitch Assistant City Manager City of Poway P. O. Box 789 Poway, CA 920 Re: Option A for Sunwood (Pond) Subdivision Landscape M District Dear John: We have prepared Option A for your review and consideration regarding the improvement to the pond and related areas of the above As you can see in a of Option A and Option B, there is a $20,714.00 reduction in cost. The reduction is due in great part to the el of the pond equipment and the el of the copper sulfate It is our belief that Option A provides a more realistic and safe level of in addition to being more palliateable The cost per home for Option A is $25.24/mo versus $82.78 for Option B. We your concern and of Option A. Should you have any q please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, BKH/lh cc: John Barone, Fieldstone Lee Lewis, Poway ~_~tGI~IF_ERS PL~PIHERS SdRVEY~RS~ SUNWOOD TRACT DISTRICT BUDGET 1. Pond (See Exhibit "A") Yearly A. Includes once a month inspection, trash pick up $80/month & reed removal $540/year. $ 1,500/yr. 2. Landscape Areas A. Cost of water (1500-1700 gallons/day) $ .8356/748 glalons - 600,000 gallons/yr, average : $ -6-7q]/yr. B. Equipment Replacement Fund for irrigation $ lO0/yr. C. General ~ ~-r~(_ $~O0/yr. 3. Fencing $ lOo/yr. 4. Landscape Inspection and Contract Administration $ 3,115/. TOTAL $ 9,085/yr. SUNWOOD TRACT DISTRICT BUDGET 1. Pond Maintenance (See Exhibit "A") Yearl~ A. Includes one visit per week for ' of overflow drains, autofill inflow line, aeration equipment, and trash removal @ $320/month = $ 3,840/yr. B. Cost of Water (replaces 4 million gallons per year) $.8356/748 gallons : $ 4,468/yr. C. Yearly costs for 1HP motor (115 V, 10 amp, 1150 watts) = $ 4,468/yr. D. Equipment fund (estimate) (motor life : 3-6- yrs.) $ 500/yr. 2. Beeler Creek by a private company, two times per year $ 1,000/yr. 3. trails I visit/week @ $40/week $ 1,920/yr. 4. Landscape areas A. Cost of water 1500-1700 gallons/day) $ .8356/748 glalons - 600,000 gallons/yr, average : $ 670/yr. B. Replacement Fund for ' $ lO0/yr. C. General $ 3,600/yr. 5. Fencing $ lO0/yr. 6. Copper Sulfate two times a year ($59/lb. at 51 lbs./ $ 6,018/yr. surface ac. The Pond is I Ac. in size.) 7. Landscape inspection and contract $ 3,115/. TOTAL $29,799/yr. SUNW00D TRACT DISTRICT Annual Costs 1. Pond a. Periodic visit for of overflow drains, autofill mechanic, inflow line (monthly) $60/month $ 720 b. Reed rs~noval (twice per year) 1,080 c. Cost of water (2,760,000 gal) 3,083 d. ~qui~ment 200 e. Copper sulfate 100 ~5,183 2. Beeler Creek two times per year $1,000 3. Ecg/estrian Trails $ 600 4. Areas a. Cost of water $ 950 b. Equipment fund for ' 100 c. General . 3,600 $4,650 5. Fencing- ( fund) $ 100 6. ' and contract adad $ 720 Total annual cost $12,253 Annual cost per $ 408.44 ApDroximate monthly cost per $ 34.04 VTN INC. :ourt 5451 San Diego. ' Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 292-1040 ( April 25, 1986 Job No. 4760-075 File (3) (P-3) r. Lee Lewis irector of Community Services ity of Poway · O. Box 789 oway, CA 92064 RE: District for Sunwood Dear Lee: Attached hereto please find a copy of the 8" x 10" of the Sunwood Tract on Pomerado Road. Cross-hatched are the areas proposed for the You will note that the District includes: ° the pond area, ° the equestrian/ trail, * landscaping around the pond and along the trail, and ° the area along the eastern side of the lots that rear onto Pomerado Road. Also a%tached please find the proposed ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BUDGET. The costs are yearly and should cover all of the areas that we previously disc ssed. We have added a twice a year of copper sulfate, the perforate "leaky" pipe, a pumping station and vault, and a weir system and vault. It s our plan to maintain the level of the pond, from the City water system. In a dition, the BUDGET includes costs for trail creek and land- scaping The specifics of the work to be perfomed on the Pond are attached as Exhibit "A" to the ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BUDGET. For y ur records we are also supplying you two blueline prints and one sepia le of the plans for the DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS. We trust that you will ind all in order and be able to expeditiously schedule the of the D STRICT before the City Council. As you know, we already have people renting the homes. They are probably as anxious as we are to sell them the homes. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS -J~ ~- r. Lee Lewis ity of Poway pril 25, 1986 age 2 Should you have any or need further please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BKH/1 h cc: John Barone, Fieldstone Co. Dan Canon, City of Poway EXHIBIT "A" 1. The lake will be filled with water four feet above the 428 foot culvert level, i.e. to 432 feet. ~ 2. The invert levels of the existing culverts at the western pond will be raised to a level of 432 feet with fish guards installed. Rip rap to the southern most outlet will be added. 3. The northern drainage pipe will be plugged to prevent flooding of the adjacent property. 4. An automatic fill line from the city water ~upply will be installed. This will ensure that the water level will be in the pond at 432 feet at all times. 5. The middle of the lake will be cleaned of reed growth, while a band of reeds along the north, east and west This will save the natural of the wetlands for a wildlife refuge and preserve. 6. Aeration will be provided to "The Pond" by a 4-inch "leaky pipe" down the middle of the lake above the bottom approximately one foot. A low duty ' 1-type blower, powered by a one HP motor, will supply the air to the pipe. The equipment will be installed in a security vault on shore. 7. Concret piers will be used to ancho aeration pipe work and serve as substrate ensuring that f sh have hiding places from p his he ps to establish an ecol gica ly balanced fish communit'. The ake wi 1 be stocked with mosqu to f h as well as other appro riate fish. he Mosquito Abatement program shan led by the Bureau of Vec or Control, ounty of Public Hea th. he routinely nspects all pond areas within the county and f larvae are found, is~ initiated and inspections are done weekly. This service, as well as supply- ing mosquito fish, is free. Yearly of reed removal and thinning will eliminate build-up of dead reed mats which foster mosquito breeding. SUNWOOD TRACT DISTRICT BUDGET 1. Pond Maintenance (See Exhibit "A") Yearly A. Includes one visit per week for ' of overflow drains, autofill mechanism, inflow line, aeration equipment, and trash removal @ $320/month : $ 3,840/yr. B. Cost of Water (replaces 4 million gallons per year) $.8356/748 gallons : $ 4,468/yr. C. Yearly electrical costs for 1HP motor (115 V, 10 amp, 1150 watts) : $ 4,468/yr. D. Equipment replacement fund (estimate) (motor life : 3-6- yrs.) $ 500/yr. 2. Beeler Creek Maintenance by a private company, two times per year $ 1,000/yr. 3. Equestrian trails 1 visit/week @ $40/week ~/yr. 4. Landscape areas A. Cost of water (1500-1700 gallons/day) $ .8356/748 glalons - 600,000 gallons/yr, average : $ /y B.. Equipment Replacement Fund for ' $ lO0/yr. C. General Landscape M $ 3,600/yr. 5. Fencing $ 100 yr. 6. Copper Sulfate two times a year ($59/lb. at 51 lbs./ $ 6,018 yr. surface ac. The Pond is 1 Ac. in size.) 7. Landscape inspection and contract ad $ TOTAL $29,799/yr. PORTION "A" AT A POINT AT THE CORNER OF LOT 16 OF A OF A PORTION OF THE 1/4 OF THE 1/4 OF SECTION 23 AND THE 1/4 OF THE 1/4 OF SECTION 22, IN 14 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SAN ALL IN THE CITY OF POWAY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF TO THE USGS 11, 1879 AND FILED AS CITY OF POWAY TRACT 3994, MAP NO. 10596, FILE NO. 83-050555; THENCE ALONG THE LINES OF LOTS 16 THRU 30 TO THE CORNER OF LOT 30; THENCE ACROSS ON A 30'+ TO THE LINE OF A FLOWAGE PER MAP ~O. 10596; THENCE IN A NORTH- ERLY ALONG THE LINE OF SAID FLOWAGE TO THE ; THENCE SOUTH 89°33'41'' EAST, 293.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°21'35" EAST, 173.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH EAST, 21.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING. PORTION "B" AT A POINT OF THE CORNER OF A OF A PORTION OF THE 1/4 OF THE 1/4 OF SECTION 23 AND THE 1/4 OF THE 1/4 OF 22, IN 14 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SAN ALL IN THE CITY OF POWAY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALI- FORNIA, TO THE USGS 11, 1879; THENCE ALONG THE TO A POINT 10'+ OF THE CORNER OF LOT 30 OF SAID THENCE 10'+ TO THE CORNER OF LOT 30 OF SAID THEN ON THE LINES OF'LOTS 30 AND 29 TO THE CORNER OF LOT 29, THENCE NORTH 14°06' 00" EAST, 91.77 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS THE OF AN ARC, A = 90°, R = 25°; THENCE DEFLECT LEFT 39.27 FEET TO A POINT AT THE END OF SAID ARC; THENCE 56+ FEET TO THE POINT OF PORTION B OF ROAD PER MAP NO. 10596 THEN ALONG THE LINE OF SAID PORTION B TO ITS POINT; THENCE ALONG THE LINES OF LOTS 5, 6, 9 AND 10 OF TO THE CORNER OF LOT. 11, THENCE NORTH 31°56'00'' EAST, 22.63 FEET TO A POINT OF PORTION C OF ROAD PER MAP NO. 10596; THENCE ALONG THE LINE OF SAID PORTION C TO THE POINT OF SAID C; THENCE SOUTH 87°48'38'' EAST, 37.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF THE POND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT " :' f$ %~. NOT TO SCALE PORTION "A" - ORTION "B" ~/ I GEOCON INCORPORATED File :~o. ' February 18, 1986 : The Company 8340 Mesa Suite 211 San DleFo, 92111 ~r. John Barone Subject: THE POND; T.M. NO. 399412 POWAY, PO~ In with your request, this has been prepared tO our to design permeability (k) values to be used for the analysis of seepage loss for the "pond" at the subject project. A review of our previous studies for the project and, in , our report entitled "Soil for The Pond Earthen Dam" dated February 5, 1990 that the north and west pont are composed of compact clayey s~nds with varying of gravels and cobbles, while the south ar.d east as well as the pond bottom consists of dense to hard .clayey sands and of the Friars ~ased on our with similar sgil and geologic it is our opinion that the of (k) may be expected to vary from 0.001 to 0~000001 cm./sec, ttowever, for the purpose of the seepage loss of the pond, we that the be Soil and Location "k", cm/sec Compact clayey sand with. gravel 0.0001 and cobble; north and west pond or (0.5 gml per day per sq.ft.) Dense to hard, clayey O.fiOOO1 and . of Friars or (0.05 gal per day per sq.ft.) south and east and pond bottom · 9530 DOWDY DRIVE * SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 * PHONE (619) 695-2880 File }~o. February 18, 1986 It should be noted that the above values are only and that, even with the of field tests, it lB our oplniom that a range in coefficient of permeability' similar to that above ~s likely to result. If there are any or if we can he of further service, please contact the Very truly yours, GEOCON, Thomas ~ RCE 20427 TVL:lm (2) (3) Live Water Systems Attn: }Is. Claudia King · ' GEOCON "The Pond" Live Water Systems, Inc. has reviewed the grading and landscaping plans, as well as the permeability report prepared by Geocon. We have had site meetings with Geocon and with our consultants in fresh water biology. Based on the intended uses of "The Pond" as a limited access, wildlife habitat and wetlands, with bridle paths the of the pond, we the following most cost course of action: 1. The lake should be filled with water four feet above the 428 foot culvert invert level, i.e. to 432 feet. 2. The invert'levels of 'the existing culverts at the western pond should be raised to a level of 432 feet with fish guards installed. Rip rap to the southern most outlet should be added. 3. The northern drainage pipe should be adequately plugged to prevent flooding of the adjacent private property. 4. An fill line from the city water supply'should be installed. This will ensure that the water level will be in the pond at 432 feet at all times. Algae growth ' in shallow warmer waters. Deeper water tends to remain cooler. 5. The middle of the lake should be cleaned of reed growth, while a band of reeds along the north, east and west This will save the natural qualities of the wetlands for a wildlife refuge and-preserve. 6. Protective substr~te should be added to the lake bottom to ensure that fish have hiding places from .. This helps to establish an ecologically balanced fish community. The lake should be stocked with ~osquito fish as well as other ap fish. The Mosquito program is handled by the Bureau of Vector Control, County of Public Health. to this agency, "The Pond" has not een a mosquito problem in the pas~, in spite of its shallow water and ense reed mats. The department routinely inspects all pond areas with n the county and if larvae are found, is ' and are done weekly. This service, as well as supplying mosqu to fish, is free. Yearly of reed removal and thinn ng will eliminate build-up of dead reed mats which foster mosqu to Based on the report from Geocon, we have figured that by filling the lake to the 432 foot level, percolation hrough the in the worst case would e in the order of i million gal ons per year. The bottom is relatively mpermeable as it is now. The s des are more permeable. However, some water oss might be desirable, as it a lows for new water to lly be nfused. This will create acer ain amount of flushing and dilution. Evaporation data, based on information from Lake Miramar, that the loss from only, is 55 to 62 inches per year. An average loss from evaporation of 60 inches will require the addition of 3 million gallons of water per year. Again, replacement water is desirable for its diluting effect. Because of the intended uses of this lake and its we do not artificial circulation at this time. It is a limited access, wildlife refuge, with bridle paths g the Built in will be a certain amount f flushing capabil ty, which is " to be The benef ts of ' 1 c rculation are not great enough to warrant the cost of nstalling this equ pm nt or the ' monthly cost ($5 O p r month versus $1 5 per month). The benefits would be minimal since horses their manure) wil cause to enter the and this cann t be he bridle paths are part of this lake's Pollu ion in the watershed will effect the water quality.' Artificial circulation cannot combat this nutrient load, which may cause seasonal algae blooms. 'Common area from the I ke is seen as a costly method due o the ~ump installatio~ with specialize equipment to prevent clogging, an the costs of th ~ equipment. The amount of water o be pumped from the lake (about 1500- 700 gallons per day) is not suffic ent to warrant the costs, and does not add significant circulation benefits. Because of the intended uses of this pond, and based on the existing in "The Pond" at present, we do not believe algal growth will be a major ~robl?. There have not been any complaints of odor, nor is there microscopic or macroscopic algal growth. Deepening the lake and creating passive circulation with flushing and dilution will be an enhancement 'to the present The effects from pollution earlier, can only be evaluated after pond enhancement and several seasons ~f use. H ' can be provided for an yearly cost of $15U0. This would include: 1. Normal trash removal from ~round the shoreline, i.e., paper, aluminum cans, plastic cups and bags, and bottles. This does not include trash that requires removal by a boat. 2. Equipment inspection, i.e., check and clear overflow drains as necessary, inspect autofill and inflow line. his would not include: leaning of the bridle trails. quipment replacement or repair due to vandalism or misuse. ince this pond is a wildlife refuge, the use of toxic or harsh chemicals s not and not included in the cost figure. It is anticipated that the monthly visits will take no more than two hours, and two to four days per year for reed removal and ~lean-up. The City's staff may choose to assume this p upkeep. Report from Geocon Study about the effects of Copper S~lfate Design of in-fill line and overflow system WATER L~¥~L .CO~I'~OL .---,': OVER TO: THE CITY OF POWAY THE COMPANY FROM: PROSPECTIVE SUNWOOD HOMEOWNERS IN RESPONSE TO FIELDSTONES DATED 3/31/86 WE "THE SUNWOOD WERE OF THE THAT THE COST OF THE PC CREEK AND THE EQ TRAIL WOULD NOT EXCEED $35/MONTH OR $420/YEAR. IF THE COST OF THE AREAS WILL EXCEED THE MAXIMUM FEE WE WERE LEAD TO WE FEEL SHOULD PAY THE AND NOT JUST FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS. IF THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE THEN YOU SHOULD DEVELOP THE AREA IN WITH THE FEE TO US. LOT 3 ~.o~ ~ LOT 9 LOT 17 ~0~ 18 hO~ 20 LOT 24 ~T 25 LOT 26 LOT 27 1 Company, 8L~-.,J Clalremont Suite 211, San _ .exo, CA 92111 (619) MEMORANDUM '.." TO: Prospective Sunwood H FROM: John Barone, The Company DATE: March 31, 1986 SUBJECT: L DISTRICT The Field tone Company is cont nuing to work with the City of Poway to cfm The L Ma ntenance District required to maintain eeler Creek and the ond. We are required to closing o escrows AFTER The D strict is formed, which we will take 30-60 days. The Fieldstone Company s paying for the installation of those i to the Pon deemed by the City. Each i wi hin the Su wood will be ultimately heir prora a share of the coat of the Pond, B eler Creek and the questrian Trail. The exact extent of requ red an annual mai cost is not known at this ime. However, The Company will pay any portion of each h 's cost ich exceeds $35/month or $~20/year for the first two years he District ls in existence. If you have any further questions, please contact your Sales Representative.