Item 6 - CUP 86-05 MDRA 86-31 City of Poway CITY OF POWAY TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City Manager BY: Reba W. Touw, of ~ DATE: May 6, 1986 Use Permit 86-05 and MDRA 86-31 of Pow : A reques for for the use of a trailer (20 eet by 60 feet) for use as office space o£ the Public on the grounds o Poway City Hall located at 13325 Civic Center Drive in the OS (Open Space) zone. APN: 31' PROJECT James H. Lyon, (~L' PARCEL SIZE: 2.2 Gross Acres GENERAL PLAN Open Space ZONING: Open Space (See 3) RELATED CASES: None None Exempt STAFF Approve subject to '' ~ ACTION: ~/~Y Agenda Report May 6, 1986 Page 2 A. ct Descr This of a Use Permit (CUP 86-05) and Minor Review (MDRA 86-31) to allow the use of a trailer, 20 feet by 60 feet, as part of the of the Public Section 17.22.020 of the Code for the Open Space zone. Public and the use of a mobile trailer unit for office for more than 90 days are with of a Use Permit by the city Said units are to meet all o· fire, and health codes. Council review of the ' for eva- luation of uses that may require sp~qial with respect to their effect on In the 1986-87 fiscal year ~udge% the Public pro- poses to hire two civil and two The new engi- neers will work in with two staff to form a design team on capit~l.- The new will a~sist in all new The ~' of the Public is at or beyond the of their office space. With little or no room for new staff and the only alter- native is to provide office space. In to thi~ need Public Services is a 1,200 s uare foot trailer with wood , dark brown trim, frame w ndows, and a tile roof. Staff has two trailer for Council The first is to the east si e of City Hall, in front of the and within the two stall parking lot. The second is behind the west end of city Hall to the parking lot (See 3). Each site has its and one is closer to the o~fices that includ~ support staff, files, maps, and and are in the room. A 100 foot exten- sion of the sewer line ~ill be but will distrub only a 30 foot section of grass and 10 feet of The is that the trailer would be Berming and would the visual impact. The ~econd behind City Hall has a reduced visual impact with access via the parking lot. ~AY6 1986 ITEM 6 'Agenda Report May 6, 1986 Page 3 service and service could be from the main but with some A 215 foot sewer line would however disrupt 80 feet of landscaping, 110 feet of and 20 feet of Because of grade eleva- tions, a sewer pump would also be would assist in the west trailer with some trees and shrubs around the three sides of the trailer. zone and land uses are as the to the north is zoned and is by the Poway Plaza center. Park Creek are located to the west, single family homes and a mobile home park are to the south, and the fire station lies to the east in the Open Space zone. Access to the tra ler will be via the .of an on of the pad for the trailer w 11 require either little or no Parking will be n with water, sewer, electri- cal, and on-site. C. Review This project is exempt under Class 1, as a minor to aa , thus the of the Quality Act. D. Corre As of April 19, 1986 no either written or oral, has been to the Notice of the public hearing will be sent to owners within 500 feet of the pro- perty and in the ten days prior to the The size, design, and of the office trailer on the grounds of City Hall with will be with and will not affect or be to uses, or natural Public , and will be The site is for the type and of the use which is and to of ice uses. The use is in with the Cod~, the purpose of the zone, the City of Poway General Plan, and the and of the City. 1986 ITF. M 6 Agenda Report May 6, 1986 Page 4 It is that the City Council approve the mobile office at one and approve Use Permit 86-05 and Minor Review 86-31 subject to the in the staff report and the 1. CUP 86-05, MDRA 86-31 2. CUP 86-05, MDRA 86-31 3. General Plan and Zoning 4. Map 5. Site Plan and ~AY6 '~986 II'EM 5 NO. P- A OF THE CITY CO0~CIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, USE PERMIT 86-05 AND MINOR REVIE~ 86-31 o PARCEL NUMBER 31 Use Permit 86-05 and Minor Development Review 86-31 by City of Poway, appro- val for a trailer for office space within the Poway City Hall site in the OS (Open Space) zone located at 13325 Civic Center Drive. on May 6, 1986, the city Council held a duly adver- tised public hearing to solicit from the public, both pro and con, to this NOW, the City Council does hereby resolve as Section 1: : USE PERMIT 86-05 1. That the size, design, and charac- of the use will be with and will not affect or be to usest or natural 2. That the harmony in scale, bulk, and density is with uses; 3. That there are public and 4. That there will not be harmful effect upon 5. That the of traffic will not impact the streets and/or the city's 6. That the site is for the type and of use or which is 7. That there will not be harmful effects upon quality and natural 8. That there are no other impacts of the use that cannot be and ~9Fi? MAY6 1986 ITEM ~0o Page 2 9. That the impacts, as above, and the of the use will not affect the city of Poway General Plan for future as well as present MINOR REVIEW 85-26 1. That the is in with the Poway General Plan. 2. That the will not have an adverse health, safety, or related impact upon 3. That the is in with the Zoning 4. That the the orderly and of a~d within the City. Section 2: Findi : A Class 1, has been issued under the of the Act. Section 3: Ci '~' The City Council hereby Use Permit 86-05 and Minor Review 86-31 subject to the 1. The Use Permit shall expire on May 6, 1988 unless a time is by the city 2. A plan shall be the pro- posed and berming around the base of the trailer and be subject to the of the of 3. A permit is for the and siting of the trailer. ~i ~ ~AY'6 1986 Page 3 Section 4: The City Council hereby Use Permit 86-05 and Minor Review 86-31 subject to the and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of this 6th day of May, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: - K. city Clerk 7~. ? MAY6 1986 ~'~w 5 STAND RD CONDITIONS OF PPROVAL Subject: CL~54,-~ Applicant.' ~IT! ' Those items checked are of approval, C~TY OF POWAY I. A~PLICANT S~ALL CONTACT TeE OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES ~G~DING WITE THE FOLLOWING ~/~. Site shall be developed in with the approved sits plans on file in the Planning Services and the contained herein. ~ 2. Revised site plans and building all of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services prior to issuance of building permits. ~ 3. Approval Of this request shall not waive with all sections of the Zoning Code and all other City in effect at the time of building Permit issuance. 4. The developer shall provide a minimum of 25% of the lots with adequate stdeyard area for vehicle storage pursuant to City and the C.C.&R.'s shall prohibit the storage of vehicles in the required front yard setback. 5. Mall boxes, on lots 10,DOD square feet or less in size and in areas where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and located by the developer subject to approval by the Planning Services ~ 6. The developer shall integrate an variety of ~pp~oved roof materials and colors into the design Of the in a manner which is both and among each of the units. ~ 7. Trash ~ shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services ~-~ 8. All roof including air shall be shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets aa required by the Planning Services ~ 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all of approval contained herein shall be completed to the of the Director of Planning Services. ~10. The applicant shall comply wltb the latest sdopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, end all other codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. ~-] a. ~rior to fi~a~ map ~ppro~al. ~¥ 6 1986 IT · ? ~ b. Prior to building permit issuance, ~-~ 13. For s new or or addition to an existing the applicant shall pay fees at the rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to~ Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be pald~ b. Prior to building permit issuance. ~ 15. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services ~ lt. Building and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visible B. PARKING AND VEEICULAR ACCESS ~-~ 1. All parking 1 t shall co.sist of a minimum of one clear, a minimum of 24 feet wide at all times during C. ~ 1. Any signs proposed for this shall be designed and approved in with the Sign Ordinance. ~-~ 2. A Sign Program for this shall be submitted to the Planning Services for their review prior to issuance of building permits. Approval shall be by the City Council. 1. On lots having a private or public trail on or adjacent to their property, the de,eloper is required to have contained within the C.C.&R.'s the following the home, I have read the C.C.&S.'s and that said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing traffic. ~ 2. The developer shall improve the trail system in with the adopted sign standards and to the of the Directors of Public and Planning Services: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. on act ss and under the area define on he final maps as trail and no building, or other in s sh 11 be erected, lace or maintain ed of said trail and to the ~ 4. Dedicat'e the Master planned trails to the of the Directors of the of Public and Planning Services in with the Master Plan of Trails Element. ~ 5. Parkland of Park Fees at the payment rate shall be made: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. F. EXISTING · 1. Provide with the Uniform Building Code for property line use, area and of existing ~ 2. Existing shall be made to comply with current building and zoning for the intended use or the building shall be ~-~ 3. Existing sewage disposal shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with grading practices G. APPROV ~/1. Review or Minor Beview shall be prior to the issuance of a building permit. ~ Review or Minor Review shall be 2. prior to of the final ~ 3. This Use Permit is granted for a period of ~ month(s) at the end of which time the City Council may add or delete or revoke the Use Permit. ~ 4. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable to the of the Director of Planning Services. MAY6 1986 IlEIv) required as a part of t~e the develope~ shall display s msp in the sales office, of said existing schools, parks, and streets. 7. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the of the planning Services Director. ~ 8~ Worklng drawings shall include a by a expert that the of the City of Poway's noise ordinance will be met. ~ 9. h of and prior o a t d u t 1 ndition G-7 is met to the of the i d ng o e atest ad opted edition) 'noun and/or approvals have been to the satisfac- tion of the Director of Services. II. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES ~EGAHDING WITH THE FOLLOWING B. GRADING 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in with - the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved 5. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval MAY 6 t986 ~],t-~'v~ 5 s. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled on the final map to the of the Director of Public Services or by 4. Ail interior a.d exterior public streets shell be to public street standards. 5. Sidewalks (4.5 / 8! feet in width shall be required on side(s) of drives or parking areas and thereof to the of the Director of Public Services. ?. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the 8. Ail street sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by expenses shall be paid by the ~ 10. Ail exterior street shall be p~ior to issuance of building ps,mits, to the of the 11. Street that ln~lude, but are not limited to: a. Sidewalks e. Cross gutter b. Driveways __f. Alley gutter shall be prior to the occupancy of the units to the of the Director of Public Services. ll. All damaged off-site pubtic works parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to of bonds and to the of the of Public Services. 13. Prior to any work being performed in the public permit ghall be obtained from the Public Services office and fee~ paid, [~ addition to any other permits required. ~ 14. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved median along the project ~ b. Prior to building permit issuance. ~ d. rural streets ~6. The developer shall pay the Traffic Fee at the ~ b. ~=~o= ~o ~l~.~ ~=~l~ t.,~..~. ~AY 6 1986 ITEM 6 J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTR0h ~-~ l- drains will be required at locations speci£ied by ~ 2. The 9roposed ~roJect [aL~s within areas lndLcated as sub,eot subject =o the of that @togras and City Ordinance. ~'~ ]. a age s ste ca ale [ ha dllnq nd o ing f ail i c r of ub! c S r ice to =oper~ ha he d ainage. 4. Portland cement coocrete cross gutters shall be installed rate lo with the Oralnage Ordinance: ~-~ a. Prior to [~nal map approval. $. [lows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be [~ I. All pro~sed utilities wfthtn'the project shall be installed c. Advance energy charges and District charges shall be paid by the d. to the lighting district shall be and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting fees shall be presented to the City prior to final map appreval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. ~'~ 9. Cable services shall be provided amd installed The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be L. GEe! AND APPROVALS 1.Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: a. Caltrans b. San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other: ~ 2. A co y of th Covenants, d (CC R's) d' r Attic s of of e a be sub ct to th review for with condi ions r n, to t of the C y Attorney and Dir ctor arming rvlces, nd shall be f ed with the Secret ry of a , the C nty Reco der and the C y Clerk at the tim of n map 3. Prior to a Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The involved in district formation shall be borne by the developer. 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and ~ 5. By separate document prior to the recording of the final m p, or n the final ma , there shall be gran ed to he City, an open space eas meet over . Lots , ommon teas · Said open s ace easement shal be ap roved as to form by the Ci y Attorney and shall lim t the se of said open space to purposes, inc uding uildings, and ~ 6. Should this subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. 7. Ail of the Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 8.Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under commune ownership shall be labeled such and by a separate lot number on the final map. ~ 9. Prior to final map approval, all f the above and she 1 be installed and roy ded, or deferred by ith n two ears from map or prior to uil lng De mit issuance, whichev r occurs first, by the xec tine o a secured with in a form pproved by the city tto ney. 11 necessary fees, deposits, and charges she 1 be paid prior to final map approval. ~ 10. Prior to final map approval, all shall be made and easements granted as required above. ~-~ 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an for time extension is received q~ days prior to in with the City's Ordinance. 1986 I TE M ~ CITY OF POWAY ITEM: _ TITLE L ~ SCALE : ~ ~ ATTACHMENT : ~ /~, \ ~: ::>, ::::::: LOCATION 2 CITY OF POWAY ITEM: =~ , TITLE : SCALE : ~ ATTACHMENT : '~ M,~Y6 1986 ITEM CITY OF POWAY IT~.M.. ~ ~-o~  TITLE : ~'~,~ I SCALE : ~ ATTACHMENT: ~ 17or17 MAY6 1986 ITEM 6 MAY 6 1986 IT E M ' 6