Item 7 - Minutes of Meeting - April 22, 1986 CITY ~ RE~312~ APRIL 22, 1986 The April 22, 1986, regular ~=eting of the City Council of the City of Poway was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by May.or Kruse at the City Council 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, B0~L CALL Bob ~ery, Linda Oravec, Mary Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse Jam~s Bcwersox City Manager ~rjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Stove Eckis City Attorney John Fitch City Manager Patrick Foley to the City Manager ~ Lewis Director of Services Bill Toon Director of Safety Services Reba Touw Director of Planning Services John Bridges Director of Planning Services Alan Schuler Senior Civil Engineer Dan Cannon Park Jim Decker Sheriff ' s Captain Jim Lyon Planner Jeff Parker Analyst Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk ~.~nGE C~ Deputy Mayor led the Pledge of Tarzy it has been four years this mont]l since the death of clyde Rexrode, Poway's first Mayor. He . ~d the made to the by Mr. Rexrode prior and to ' A. Mayor Kruse an ~ployee service award to Ethel Nielsen for 15 years service to the City of Poway and the Pow-ay Municipal ~ater Mayor Kruse a service award to City Manager MAY 6 1986 ~TEM 7 2143 Page 2 - CI'Ff OF ~f~rAY - April 22, 1986 B. Mayor Kruse read and presented to Julie Walker, editor of the Powa~; News a of and ~ for 14 years ser- he She is to bec(m~ editor of The La Costan. Each their personal to Ma. Walker. F4BLIC C~AL Mayor Krus~ the for Public Oral ~¥~rgaret 11647 Cree]~ Read, thanked ~m~ry for repre- senting the Council and the of Cree]~ Road at the April 14, 1986, n~eting of the San 'Diego City and L~nd Use £Tk~4S 9 - 17 CONSENT C~nFNDAR Motion by Emery, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: 9. Approval of Minutes - City Council: April 8, 1986, Regular Meeting April 10, 1986, ~journed Regular Meeting 11. of Warrant April 10, 1986 12. ~loption of No. P-86-22 entitled, "A of the city Council of the City of P~ay, Granting Waiver of of Requirenent, Waiver 86-02, Parcel Number . ," Donald Knox, 13. to exetend the lease with Inc., on the property at 12324 Oak Knoll Road to June 30, 1987, with rent of $1,094 per month. 14. Denial of claim for damages, David Golokow, 15. ~option of No. 86-035 entitled, "A of the City Council of the city of Pcway, Annexing to the Sewer District of the City of Poway, Smits " 16. Approval of No. P-86-23 entitled, "A of the City Council of the City of Poway, ( Approving T~m~porary Use Permit 86-25," CF Poway Ltd., to use a trailer as a and office for the of Pcmerado Business Park. Motion carried MAY6 1986 ITEM '? 2144 Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - April 22, 1986 PARCEL MA~ 85-06 ]D~ M/¥r/rK City Manager Bowersox stated the request is to subdivide .91 acres into four lots at 13915 w~tern Street. At the Febm]ary 25, 1986, hearing, the was granted a to analyze the required ' and the econc~ic of the project. A request has been received fr(xa the for an a one month to June 3, 1986, to allow time to redesign the map. S~Ff that if the revised map is not prior to April 30, 1986, TPM 85-06 be denied and the revision be treated as a new application with its associated fees. This revised dation has been submitted to Council in an amended Agenda Report. There was no one present wishing to speak on this it~. Motion by seconded by Tarzy, to continue of this map to June 3, 1986, with the stated by City Manager Motion carried l'l'k~4 6 NO. 188 - FIRST READING FOR PUBLIC Mayor Kruse read the title of No. 188, "An of the City of Poway., Amending the Pcway Municipal Code Section for of Letter of Credit or Cash Deposit in Lieu of Surety Bonds." Staff report by city M~nager He stated at the present time, bidders ~n public works are required to post surety bonds securing perfor- mance, material and labor. The proposed ~Duld allow positing letters of credit or cash deposit as well. is to continue the hearing to April 29, 1986, for second reading of the There was no one present wishing to speak on this it~. Motion by ~ery, seconded by Oravec, to waive further reading and continue the public hearing to April 29, 1986, for second reading of No. 188. Motion carried 1'1'~4 7 NO.189 - FIRST READING OP~ SPACE Mayor Kruse read the title of No. 189, "An of the City of Pc~ay, Amending Section of the Poway Code, Req for of Open Space or Offered for to the City." t4AY 6 1986 IT E M7 2145 Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - April 22, 1986 by City Manager He stated that Council several for open space at the February 13, 1986, ~rkshop. This proposed the elements of that Recommendation is to continue the public hearing on No. 189 to April 29, 1986, for second reading. Staff report by City Attorney Eckis. He stated the will limit the reasons for open space and provide a specific which includes noticing a public hearing and adopting by four-fifths of the Council an which sets forth the reasons and terms of the The would be subject to : during the 30 day review period. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Counci~r Oravec ask~=d about the location of land owned by t~le city t/Mt would come under this City Manager Bowersox stated staff will report on the Motion by seconded by Emery, to waive further reading and continue the public hearing to April 29, 1986, for second reading of No. 189. Motion carried IT~4 8 STATUS REPORT EQUESTRIAN/ TRAILS Staff report by City Manager He on the Minster Plan of Trails. The plan a total of 92 miles of trails to be by the city and He the cost of and beth at the present time and at the time 't21e plan is Council concern erosion control, of the trails and fencing, and the use of $100,000 annually frcm the general fund for this purpose. Council a report the~ of the total Parks and budget by th~s figure. Council a report on the number of miles of trails to be and ~1 by the City as opposed to the number of miles that can be or the cost of by and in Council directed staff to work toward using interest groups such as Poway Valley Riders and the Scouts for trail and to report on changing the status of the Trails from an ad hoc to a standing 1986 ITEM 2146 Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - April 22, 1986 Mayor Kruse asked the status of ~he asphalt trail between Drive and Valle Verde Road which is used by golf carts as well as riders and hikers. Director of CuL,~Lunity Services Lewis stated it is part of the syst~D, and when the trail is and fenced, the asphalt will have to be r~Doved. Mayor K~se asked for a report on this section of trail prior to CITY t4Aiq~c~w~ IT~4S 18. A. Off - D~cket Item - Loan to San Di~ ) Water city Manager Bowersox stated the San Diego Region Water Agency, of which the City is a msmber, is doing research into the r~ao- ~al of selenate fr~ drain w~ters by using aerobic bacteria. They have a grant frcm the State of but since the state doesn't advance funds, in fact they pay ten weeks after billings are the Agency has a cash flow probl~n. ~ne Agency is a loan of $20,000 frc~ the City of Poway to begin the selenate removal project. is to the loan with an interest rate ccm- parable to that earned on City and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the loan for the City signa- ture. Motion by Tarzy, seconded by Oravec, to adopt staff Motion carried f. C~uncil also expressed interest in being able to the sewage plant if this process proves B. City ~3nager Bowersox stated exhibits have been ~d to Council showing the trees that will be reDlaced along Espola Road by the deve- loper of TM 4093. Three 36-inch trees were r,~moved in of the of approval of that map. They will be replaced prior to May 1, 1986, with four.36-inch box Sycamores, two 24-inch box Coast Live Oaks, five Red Ironbark and five D~d Gums. city Manager Bowersox stated the was to the cc~ncerns of Council. C. City Manager Bowersox stated the city Powa~; Today, and the "0ppc Abound in The city In the Country" won two ~f the 32 awards by City Hall Digest for received the award for two years in NAYG 1986 ITE, , 2147 Page 6 - CI'Di OF POWAY - April 22, 1986 ITM~S 20. A. Emery thanked staff for working toward the spread of the thistle. B. Mnery asked for a policy by ccamit- tee members at C. 5~ery reminded staff to respond to Bailey's request for State Route 125 and Poway providing D. Emery asked the status of the use permit for the Gateway, formerly center on P~merado Road. City Manager Bowersox s~ated the permit is vested because the grading has been done. 23. Tarzy cc~meo~]ed Park Dan Cannon for his work on in for the trails syst~n. Upon motion by seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, Mayor Kruse ordered the u~eting adjourned to 4:00 P.M., Thursday, April 24, 1986. The time of was 8:31 P.M. Marjorie K. City Clerk City of Poway 2148 APRIL 22, 1986 The April 22, 1986, rec~l~r meeting of the Poway Dx3ency was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Kruse at the city Council 13325 civic Center Drive, Poway, ¢ Bob ~nery, Linda Oravec, Mary Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse Js~nes Bowersox Director John Fitch Director Mar jorie Wahlsten Secretary Jo Seibert Deputy L:,r:~'nG~ C~ Director led the Pledge of IT~4S 10 AihD 17 CONS~ CAr .~NDAR Motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Tarzy; to adopt Items 10 and 17 of the Consent 10. Approval of Minutes - Agency: April ,~ ~'-~86, Regular Meeting April 10, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 17. for the Director to sign the with Chrysler Realty to an along the south side of Poway Road east of Midland Road. Motion carried Upon motion by Director seconded by Director Tarzy, Chairman Kruse ordered the meeting to 4:00 P.M., Thursday, April 24, 1986. The ti~e of was 8:3i P.M. Mar jorie K. Secretary Poway Agency ~AY6 '1986 ITEM 8 210