Item 14 - PDC Comprehensive Health Assoc COMMUNITY CRISIS NETWORK - R E~¢E~ ~A¥ 6 M86 CITY O]: POWA¥ CITY ~ TO: Mayor and Members of Poway City Council FROM: Mr. Richard L. Berry, Health SUBJECT: for Health FORWARD: On May 6, 1986, at the Poway City Council meeting, you are to hear a plan for of a building to an and mental health the plans for this building have revealed a Seismic code of 1.0 safety factor. The State of requires a minimum of 1.5 safety for hospital the building does not meet for an unit. Kindly delete this item from the agenda, and on behalf of the Health Services of America and myself, thank you. DATED: May 5, 1986 SIGNED: For the Firm ........ MAY6 1986 ITF-M lb. 6505 SUITE 103, SAN DIEGO, 92120 May 2, 1986 IVED City of Po. y MAY 3 1986 13325 Civic Center Drive ?oway, cA 92o64 ¢1~ a~£~ ~1~ ATT: City Planner and Council Members In recent months, several persons in the Olive Hills neighborhood have been in contact with Patrick Foley the state of disrepair of the brick wall fronting Road and the Olive Hills Mr. Foley ha's made several attempts to remedy the all of which have been l. As of our last with Mr. Foley, he felt that the was at a standstill. We very much Mr. Foley's efforts. ' However, we don't feel that this issue can be left unresolved. While we were we found that a majority of the would be willing to $10 per household for thc city to purchase and install some form of low to cover up the existing wall. Enclosed are the of concerned residents who want to see some improve- ment begun. Please consider this petition as a request for progress on this issue. We would your response to this issue in the form of a letter no later than June 15, 1986. Sincerely, l>l. ana Vasquo~ 13252 Olive Meadows Drive Poway, CA. 92064 ~ Claretta Laboranti 13276 Olive Meadows Drive" Poway, CA 92064 Margaret Brinton 13277 Olive Meadows Drive Poway, CA 92064 Olive Hills and S~ Area Resi- dents NANE ADDRESS N MqE ADDRE 9 S P~: 0 :~ .t April 25, 1986 The Carl R. Kruse Mayor, City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mayor Kruse: As your on the San Diego County Regional Task Force on AIDS ( by the League of Cities, San Diego County at the monthly Mayors' luncheon meeting), I hereby file my first report for your review. While the first few meetings have been for the purpose of · rules, and creating standing ' on · ' medical issues, and assigned the task of ' ' possible~('t~v%~ we were for the purpose of the San Diego AIDS.project. The sources San Diego AIDS project has been the sole agency to serve and support the ' patient care needs and the ' ' C~ needs of San Diego County in regard to Acquired I~une ' ~e funding for the San Diego AIDS projec~ patient care has been As and leaders in San Diego County are becoming ' aware of the impact of AIDS in our it has become clear that the funding base of ~his projec~ must be shifted to a local level. As this funding shift has been through proper the County sold the current site of the project to the San Diego Hospice and ~he San Diego AIDS project must vacate by ~y 31st. A new site has been located and in order to utilize this site, ~jor must be made and moving costs Every possible avenue of funding this move has been without success. It was and the Task Force the idea, that an appeal be sent out to the 15 smaller cities in San Diego County. I agreed and felt it that the request from my office. The request is for all small cities, on behalf of their to ~ke a one-time ~o the San Diego AIDS project o[ '3,000. -2- This is for the purpose of only, as this obviates our setting the of funding social and health services which we have agreed to be the of the County. However, due to the current 1986-87 budget hearings in every city the County and other levels and the lease should we wait for the State end Federal monies to be the AIDS project would be without a home and face the of a shutdown for several months. The timing of this is As a region we would face the and of having allowed the unusual and stress to create problems of an enormous for the patients who co~e to the project from all areas of the County. The ' costs. to execute this move total $92,500. Your of ~3,000 compiled with the other cities will total ~45,000. I am asking the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, in separate letters, to $23,750 each, thereby making up the total as a one-time fund to keep this project serving the of the County. Please give this your most urgent and sincere as these monies are needed now and must be prior to May 15th. Please draw this from your reserves or other fund sources within your current 1985-86 fiscal budget, this as a part of 1986-87 budget would delay and magnify the Please make your check payable to the San Diego AIDS Project and mail it to my at La Mesa City Hall. The cities of San Diego have a history of pulling together in times of need to assist the County in a weak moment (i.e., the ASTREA purchase). This will stand as another fine example of our to and make a for the citizens of our County. For this, I thank you. Mayor 0072/FN:AM --- AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City BY: Reba W. Touw, of ~ Marijo Van Dyke, ' ' ~ ~' DATE: April 29, 1986 ~ An~ si~ for Com Health ~nt REQUEST: of the an office , to an and 15708 Road APN: GROSS 4.07 Gross Acres LAND USES: The to the east is at present but is with the Also across the street is the C~urch of J~sus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The to the south is as a medical office is located across the street to the SLOPE: The overall slope for this site is between 15 percent and 30 percent it has been graded for the office Health April 29, 1986 Page 2 GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING: The subject site, as well as those to the south and east, is zoned Office (CO). The to the is zoned Open Space (OS) for The to the west is in the city of San Diego (see 1). GENERAL Section a Use Permit for and homes. This use appears to have elements of both. It would also need a CUP. In with the , 2,000 square feet of Space are planned to be to is allowed in a CO zone as a medical office. , parking require one space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area for medica office use. and/or nursing homes require one space per four beds. Parking for are to be by There are 158 parking spaces on the site and the would be to sub- mit a parking study. M/~¥6 ;986 ITEM 14 2 of 6 /~PR2.9 1986 ITEM 28 City Council for the City of pow-ay, referred to as "City" and ~oo.".',:~.'~'~g',~$f;." /./~v,~'/'~ ' , referred to as enter into this of based upon the facts: Proponent owns or has an interest in land by tax parcel number(s) Proponent a~-~ires to develop this property in with the will of the city and without the expense of a city is : that will create d' plans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume tim~ and effort of City needlessly on unsatisfactory de plans unless city assists in ~qed upon the facts, city will grant a'b~aring prior to filing any for de upon the following lng: A. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. B. City will receive no specific in nature, in support of a ~t plan. C. City will make no that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any de proposal or part thereof may suhmi t. D. If any development proposal is submitted, will proceed at its sole and risk with the that City has made no upon which may rely. 0 mm AT 1 ~" -O~/~Y6 1~6 ITEM 14 APR2 1986 ITEM 3 o:~ 6 ~..:~ tlS. VAH D"r"KE THE HEALTH --]: HE.:.,-TH C~=.E ::.ER2IC:ES OF ~t'!c_r-,~Cm II~_., ARE tf"~ A "~:~.'i:_~L ;]FFI,-E Tr ~-~ I/'-i-F'mTiE~;T THiS FRCILIT'f' WI:'-~- E:E CALLED THE : "RA~';:]:HO_ FOR LIMING ..... ~,,,~r. LOPATEE)_ AT, I0 BED FOR ._ CARE 20 BED FOR ADLILTS ~0 BED FOR ~ b,IONENS UNZT ' THESE BEDS WILL COMPLIMENT OUR ON SiTE CLINIC RELATED TO: AGING WOMENS STRESS AND __. STRESS CHRONIC PAIN EATING MAY8 1986 ITEM 14 ,-,,.,- THI'S =~].i _tT'~ i.,..I ! ~ L CATE;: TC' m -Zz2 PAT ! E:-.iT F,JrU_~ :_i'~ ~i[' bJIL~_ NOT ~:_'tTiL'EL',' ---.E~t' -- -= FROhl [ HEH i TH--- = ~i~"' ~-' : iN: NC~ __ IH ~DDITIONAL I0!.': .JOE.E LOCAL --- LES':--, ~ F'.~:.~EL FF,:_. I~ L.M--'" .... ~-=,..----q¢'~, LOCAL c,. OF a I"IILL~uI., DOLL~F:- THE HEALTH -- OI SCIIS~_ THIS rR~E..,~ A ' r- l,ilTH THE PI~iI?.tA'(' CITY b'rl"×~..,, ,.. i ~' AT A AH E'.EHAL~ OF -"~ ' -R, - ~.,~I_II_IL._...._ TO THANK ~_, F 0 F: Y 0 U E RICHARD L, E;ERR'Y - RICHARD L. BERRY ITEM 14