Item 6 - Development Review 86-03 and Temporary Use Permit 86-22 - Connole Consctruction Company ' � AGENDA REPORT,, G .�� °F ° ,�� y CITY OF.'.POWAY I yF � C �ry 1N �THE TO: Honorable Mayor and Members' of the City Gouncil FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man� INIT-IATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services��,, °DATE': Apr 15 , 19 8 6 , SUBJECT: Development Reuiew 86-03 and Temporar.y Use Permit 86-22 -,Connole ConstrucEion,Company, Applicant: A iequest f'o construct 35 single,family re"sidences and a model home.complex on 72.9 acres located on Poway Road T,000 feet south of Espola Road iri the RR-A and RR-C CRura-1 Residential) zone. AEN: 321-200-42 PROJECT PL'ANNER: James H. Lyon,,Assistant Planner� PARCEL SIZE: 72.9 Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATZON: Rura1 Residential C ZONING: Rural Residential C SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN __ AND ZONING: (See Attachment 3) FtELFiTED CASES: TM 4185 GORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED': None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Previously issued a EIR STAEF'RECOMMENDATION: Approve DR 86-A°3 and TUP 86-22 subject to conditions 9CTION Adopted Resolution No. P-86-21,:ciari£ying condition 6 regardi building�s conforming to the Ridgeline%Hillside policy. � Jo"Sei ert, Deputy City Clerk APR 15 1986 I T E M 6 1 oF23 . � ',, , Ag'enda.Repor-t April 15, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project;Deser-iption Tentat"ive Tract Map 4185 that divided the subject property ,into 35 , lots was' originally, f,iTed wi�th ,the County of: San Diego on July 18, 1980 and appr-oved''by the City,,Council on October 13, 1981 following the completi�on of the Environmental Impact Report. The map was recorded on Jul'y 24, 398:5. On November 13, 1984�;the City Council approved Development Review 84=20 that proposed the construction of 35 single family homes on _. 72:.9 acres located adjacent to:Poway Road,approximately 1000 feet south of Espola.Road. The subdivison was to be known as "Sunrise Ranch." Section 17 52..,20 of the Poway Municipal Code states that a development review "shall expire within one y'ea-r from the date of' approval except where,construction or use of €he property has com- menced prior to the expiration date. The applicant failed to submi;t building plans,wifhin the 'one year time frame and the development review expired on'November 13, 1985. This application requests approval for tHe development r-evi'ew of 35 detached single familp residences and a temporary use permit for four mod`el homesy. The Lot size and configura-tion as well,as housing sty.les, colors and ma'terials proposed in DR 84-;20 will remain the same. The model homes,,, located at the terminus of Sunrise Canyon Road will be landscaped,and fenced. A sales office will be located in one garage. On-street_parking is proposed for the model home complex. Sf', in time, this parking method appears to be inadequate, provisions for off-site;parking will be required. The project's internal,circulation is based on the extension of Ipava Drive tha"t trauerses length of the pro�ect. Two cul-de- sac dri-�es that supply access to other lots in the subdivis-ion interconnect with Ipava Drive, Access to Poway Road is v.ia Sunrise Ranch Road, a short,roadway that bisects the�larger cul-de-saa drive. Donart Driqe also extends intp the subdiyi'sion and ter- minates as it bisects ,Ipava Drive. The fact that Poway Road phys'i- cal'ly diuides the suti:ject proper-ty-requires a third cul-de-sac drive fo p"ro¢ide access from Poway Road' to two Targe lots locat'ed on the east side.of'the road. Although Ipava Drive terminates on the northeast:boundar.y of the subject property, it does provide for cir- culation of°future subd'ivisions to the east. 2oFZ3 APR T 5 1�96 I T E M b � � Agenda Report. April T3:, 198$ Page 3' An analys;is of the site plan indicates that the developer, has taken into considerat'ion the project appearance from surrounding areas. The buiTding placement and unit combinations have been designed to pr6vi3e an alternatirig frbnt yard setback,, roof line variations,, and model elevations. The Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan•encourages one-story structures on parcel`s that back onto arterial classification >roadways. However, due to the varying pad elevations that sange from 20 feet lower to 20 feet above Poway Road, only those dwelling units on building pads that approach,the leveL of Poway Road shall be one story. The'combination of one- and two-story structures wi11 ;provide;a des'ired compatibility with the adjacent single family development. In accordance with the,ridgeline policies of the City, dwellin_g units proposed for Lots 1., 2,, `18, 19, 20, and 2i sfia11 comply with the guidelines regulating deve3opment on prominent hillsides. Approval of the units shal-1 be on a one-to-one basis. Due to the amount of landscaping throughout the'development;and the incLusion of'the noi-se,attenuation wall,, the establishment of a landscape maintenance district is recommended. The laridscape maintenance di�stri'ct must be in effect pr'ior to the sale of -f:irst unit. Annexation intb the,Lighting Distri�ct i�s also recominended' and must be xecorded with the County prior to the of the f•irst unit. Low sodium lighting is suggesfed to minimize energy use and light/glare to the Mt. Pa-lomar Observatory. Signs identifying the Sunri Ranch development shall be consistent•with the City's Sign Ordinance. Parking for. the model complex is on-street. Should problems arise, the Director of Planning Services may require off-street paved parking. B. Develo meat'FaciTifies The construction of the Sunrise Ranch development is proposed to be divided into seven phases. Initial plaris call fo'r the constr-uction of four model homes located at the terminus of Sunrise Caayon'Rbad. The remaining uni`t's will be built irn.increments of five, wi,th the rate of the proposed phasing dependent upon.how quickly the units sell. 3oF93 APR151986 ITEM 6 � � Ageiida Report Apr.il 15„ T986' Page 4 An eight foot,wide hiki!ng and riding trail will be constructed within a T5 'foot right-of-way that originates at Donart Drive,, travels in a generaT nor.ffieast direcbion ad�acent to the northern boundary; and terminates with Ipava Drive at the eastern p'roperty line. An unimproved hiking trail will be required and mas-ked over the 20 foot wide utility easement,that parallels the project"s western boundary south of Donart.Drive., Improvement of the trai`l is not advisable at this time due to topographieal constrairits,. Equestrian fencing for the improved trail wi=11 be required for fhose areas where topograph- ical conditions pose a danger to trail ysers. Due to fhe siqnificant amount of rock outcroppings and varying slopes'asso-ciated wi•th the. proposed trail location., 'it is suggested fhat if the applicanf con- tinues his proposal to develop the adjaeent.property to the north, the equestrian/pedestrain trail traverse across property lines so as to improve trail safety-. Access to Ehe subdivision is from Ipava Drive.,: Donart Drive,,and Poway Road. Two other cu'1-de-sac drives area also proposed to provide access to interior lots. Poway Road through the lengtfi of fhe project wiTl be improved to 52 feet.on both sides of the centerline of the road. All streets, water, fire protection, and sewer improyements will 6e installed to the satisfaction of ttie:C.ity Engineer. According to the Poway Grading Ord'•inance, all side yar-ds.skiall have a five foot minimum clearance, and.:slopes greater than fige-feet shall be planf'ed and provided with an ade_quate irrigation,system; Due .to the rioise levels generated by traf'f.ic'on Poway Road a;noise atte_nuation wall . shall be consfructed along the west side of Poway Road to reduce the noise to a level consistent with the policies of the Compreliensive Plan. The wall shall,be to a design and'location subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. C. Environmental Rev-iew An Environmental Smpact Report certified by tHe Poway City Council on October 13, 198;1„ adequately covers the environmental impacfs asso- ciated with the project. D�. Rel�abecl Ca'se's This projeet pre�iously received approval as TM 4185. This permit establ-ished the number of lots, street locations, and improvements. E. Cor-respondence Public Not`ice has been sent to all adjacent,property owners. No wriEten co"rrespondence or'verbal comments have been received by Staff regarding this matter. APR 15 1986 I T E M 6 � � Agenda Report April 15, 1986 Page 5 The proposed development conforms with the Powap General P,lan requirements for residential use, density, and improvements. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic, safety, or architectural nature upon adjoininq properties will occur because rooflines and building location§ will be var:ied and the styles and 6uilding materials are simi`lar to adjacent deuelopments. The project,:meets Zoning Ordinance criteria for a planned deyelopment and encourages the orderTy and harmonious appearance "of the City because it is similar to and complements adjacent deveTopment. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 86-03 and TUP 86-22 subject fo the conditions contained in the attached resolution JLB:RWT:JHL:js Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolut-ion 2. Standard Condit'ions 3. Surroundi'ng General Plan and Zoning 4. Site PSan 5.(a-g) Building Elevations 5 oF 2 3 APR 1'5` 1986 I T E M 6 � � RESOLUTION N0. P- • � A'RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CAL'IFORNTA APPROVI�NG.DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-OJ AND ' TEMPORARY'USE'PERMIT'86-22 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 321-280-42 WHEREAS, Development Review 86-03 and TUP 86'-22 submitted by Connol'e Constr-uct3on Company, applicant, Yequests to con'str;uct 35 singLe family residence§ and a model home complex on 72'.9 acres located on Poway Road 1-,OOD feet south of Espola Road in the RR-A and RR-C tRural Resid'ential) zones; and, WHEREAS, on April 15'„ 1986, the.City Council held a hearing on the abode-referenced item. NOW, TAEREFORE, the City Council doe.s hereby resolve as follows: Secfion lt Findings,: 1. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General PI`an. 2. That the.propo'sed development will not have an adVerse aesthetic, health„ safety, or arcfiitecturally Yelated impact. upon adjoining properties. 3. That the propose8 development is in the Zoning Ordinance. 4. That tfie proposed development encourages the order3y and. harmorrious appearance of structures and property within the City. � Section 2: Env,ir-onmerital Findings: An Environmental Impact Report was cer-tified by the City Council on October 13, 1981. The report proposed mi•t-igation measures for drainage, archaeology, geology, traffic, and' water. Section 3: City Council Decisi`on: The Cify Counc'i`1 hereby approdes DeveLopment Review 86;-03 and Tempora"r-;y Use Permit 86-22 subject'to the following condi:tions;: 1. Tfie developer sha11 prepTumb each house for a solar hot water fieating system. Building plans shall be modif'ied to provide the plumbing ,prior to the issuance of bui'lding permi.ts for units other than the.models,. 2. An open space easement shaTl be.created on Lots 30, 31, and 32 from Poway Road to the westerrr top of the road easement slope. Said„open space shall be planted and maintained by a L`andscape Mainbenance District. 6 oF 2, 3 ApR 15 1986 IT E M 6 � � Resolution No. P- Page 2' � 3. The' developer shall establish a Landscape Maintenance Distric.t prior'to,occupancy,. Said district sfiall incTude all parkway land'scapi'ng and open space easements i:ncluding the noi`se afte- nuation wall„ and the engineering cost involved in the district formation shall. be borne by the developer. 4. The debeloper shall construct a noise attenuation barrier on tfie west side:of Poway. Road to a design and loca£i'on subject to the satisfaction of' the Director of Planning Services. 5. Only one-story dweTling units shall be perm-itted on parcels adja- cent to Poway Rciad whoSe pad elevations.approach the level of Poway Road,subject to the satisfaction of the Direc'tor of Planning Services. 6. Building pads fbr Parcels 1, 2, 18, 19, 20 and 21 shall be plotted and' constructed in aceordance with the ridgeline policies of the City of Poway. 7. Building pads shall be graded under the approv,ed grading plan. 8. The developer shall,'dedicate, construct and identify'with City approyed ma'rkers:a hiking and riding traiT°to a size and location noted in fYie landscape plans for Sunri'se Ranch and in Resolution P-81-12. An additional ;trail shall be locat'ed adjacent to Ipava Drive and Donart'Drive subject to the saf3'sfaction of the Directors of Planni=ng Services and Commuaity Ser,vices. Equestrian fencing sha11 be constructed in those areas €hat pose a danger to the trail user and be subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. 9. A temporary cul-de-sac shall be construet'ed at the terminus of Ipava Drive to the sat'•isfaction of the Director of Public Services. 10. P.rior to the issuance'of building permits and the release of occu- pancy for each Tot, the developer sha-11 submit proof from the Di-rector of< Admin-istrative Services to the Director of Planning Ser¢ices that a11 lots are paid'current to bheir 79-1 Assessment. 11. Prior. to building permit issuance-, all of' t8e above imprbvements and requirements shall be insta'lled-and provi or deferred by guaranteeing installation by tfie execution,of a performance agreement., secnred with sufficient securifies, in a form approved by the,City Attorney.. All necessarg•processing fees, deposits, and charges.shall be paid prior to occupancy'of units other than the models. APR 15 1986 ITEM 6 .� � Resolution No. P- Page 3 12. All signs proposed for this development shall be des,igned im conform'ance with fhe City's Sign Ordinance for on- and off-site subdivision signs. T-3. Necessary sanitar:y facilities for the sales off-ice must be provided;. Any modification of the proposed units in the model home complex shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 14. Provisions for off street parking shall be required if it is determined by the'Director of Planning Seruices Department that the proposed on-site parking proves to be inadequate. Si,ze and location of the park•ing area shall be sabject to the approval of. the Director of Planning Services. 15. With'in 30 days 'of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that aTl conditions of approval`have been read and under_stood. Section 4: Gi:tv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 86-03 and Temporary Use Permi't 86-22 subject to the attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED and ADOP..TED by the City CounciL of -the City of Poway, State of Californ'ia, this lSth day of April, 1986. Carl R_ Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjonie &. Wahlsten, City Clerk goF23 ARR 15 1986 ITEM b , �s , ,4 ,. r' City of Poway � � - . _,� Standard Conditions of Develo.pment _ s, V .,��,. ,.,,.�,.. sut�e�t: bR 8�-03 �b "T���-72 E+PP11c�t:C:ON1NOl,��'C_+�NSTRC:x=.'Clo�l ��mr+t�•sN . . ' Lo�'atimi� �jOlJi'4F�0_���e�l�}TTO }�\VA`f ' ltiose. L[�s ctiecked are cmditiais� of'.approvaT. ', I. APPLICANT SBALL CONTALT, TflE DEPARTMIIiT OF PI:ANNING AND BUIIDING SP3VIC�SS REGABDING CAMPLIANCE�IJITH THE�.FOLIl)WIH6'. CONDITIONS= � i _ .A. SIiE DE9EIDPltEAi ' �y{�1. Site shall be developed�'�.in�accordazice with the approved�si[e plans m file in the Pl�ning Services Departnait'ar�d the conditia�s contained�;herein. � � 2 Revised�eite�pl�s �id bui�lding eleva[ions incorporating all cgciditiona�of�eppcvva7. shall,be auhmitted to�the:�Pl�ning�Servicea� Depactme�t�prior to��issuance of 6u11ding � pexmLte. ��3. Approval of thie req uest stiall not waive crniplSence with�. all sectLons� of the Zming Development -0ode and�all' ottier applicable CLty Ocdinancea�ln effect�at the time���of � 6uilding peimiE Sasu�ce. - . � � ' ��4. 1he developer ahall�provideca9minim� of 25R oE�the lota•�wlth�+adequate eideyaN��area for �reczeatim vekiiele_storage pucsu�t to City et�dards, �d [he C.C.fiR,'s� ehall pxohitiit the �etorage of�;�.xec�atl��nal.�vetiiclee tn �he iequired<fcmC:;yard 6eth�:k. � � 5. Mail boaes; m lota,10,000 aguace feet,or lees !n eSee.azid Ln,areae:.whern sidewalks,are� — mquired, ahall be lnstalled mid Located by the developer eubject to apPmval by the Plalming'..9ecvices Depac�a�t. � . ���.}�6: The develope[ shall integrate an: aQpropdate variety of��approved+�oof materials and colors into Che desigp of� ttie, iesidendal� developma�t �.in a m�ner�ci�ich Ss� both cc�atrble end� compl�a�tary �mg��ea� of tt�e. resideitial imits. � 7• Trash receptacTe areas �for camiercial, maz�ufactvring, �d mulEifamily developmmts ehsll be enclosed 6y �a 6 foot higlj-�masmry wall witb vlew-obstmcEing gates pucsuar�t to Ci[y etcuSdande. 'Incaeim ehall to appmval�tiy the��PlaarmingBervlces Depar�a�E. I_� 8. All xovf�appurtmances, including be architec[urally � integrated; stilelded �fiom�-view.�,az�d samd 6uffered fmm adjac¢�t piopeities and as requiied by the Pl�ning Services Departma�t. _ � ��9. '�Prior to az�y use of the�pmjece�site or business�activity�being co�a�ced thereon, a11 conditions of�appmval cantaineil'herein'stiall be completed�to the satlsfactim �of the � . Director of Planriing Services_. I�O. ''ltie applicant ehall„comply with,the.latest;acopted Unifoim�Building Code�, � �Unifoxm=Mectianical Code; Unifoxm Pllanbing Code",.National ELectric Code, Unffoxm Fire �CoBe �d�all other�applicable� and oxdinarices in effect at°��the time of building 'peimLt Sesi�ice. ��1. Pri:oi to [he�� issuance of building pecmits for canbustitile constrvctron, evidence�. shall be �submitted�Eo�the;Dizector.of Safety Services ttiat water �d.faci�lities��for �fire pmtecticn is ayailatile.• '�4+heie addLtiaial fire piotec[Lon'is•�required by�the �Direc[or���of�5afe[y Serv'ices, 1C�'shall be serviceable prior�to�fhe�� of constxuctim. �' • ��72. �For a�.new iesid�tial �aelling�imit(s)�, the applicant_sha11 pay developma�t�fees at [he - _ - � esEablished raEe. Such'fees may include, but not be limitedltto: Pexmit and Plan �Q�ecking.Fees, S�ool�Fees (in,accocd�ce with City-adopted policy�and/or'ordinance), Water and Sewer�Service Fees. lhese �fees shall be paid: �_� a. �Prior.CO final�map appxoval. �� b. 'Prior to tniilding,peimit�issv�ce�. ARR 15 1986 ! T E M 6- • , 9oF23 � � ,��_�, t3. For a new��com�ex�cial or'indus[rial de4eloFinait,, or addiEion�to an ezisting � developmeit,,.[he:applir�t� stull,pay develo�meitffees .at� ttie estatilished ��rate. Such � fee`s:may� include, 6vt not!be limited.to: Pexmit+�d Plan,:(Yiecking Fees, Wazer and�. Sever Service.,Feav. "ltie'se fe'e`s'.shall be paid: . L� a. :Prior. to�:final'map apProval• . , . � �L� bc, �Prior to'Inuldingt, issu�ce. . �4. 'ikiis�:approv'al ehall become null �d'void�if bui�lding pexmits�are�SnoE issued for�.this" project'��within me+.yearfinm the,date��of project approval. �_� '15. S[reet� q�es .stiall be appxwed by Lhe P�ling Services'Departma�t pcior to fhe cecordation of'�the final map, az�d. stmet addresses� shall �be provided �prior�to Ehe� issuaz�ce of�building��pezmits: . ��6. Building ida�tificatim'�d/or=addresses stull be placed on all �new,�d existing — buildings so�as'Eo be�plainly'visitile frcm the street.:or�access.ioad; coloc -� idaicifica[im�.,az�d/oz��addresses� stiall concrast wirh their backgrrnmd coloi. � B�. P•••�•°• AHD VF.HICUI�H' ACCFSS� . . � �J t_ All ��.piLicing lot �l�dscaping shall consist o£ a minim� of one fifteen_ (15) gallm:��size tree every thxee (3) parking�spaces. For parking lot �islads; a minirm� 12 iuch wide walk adjacent to.paikin`g sta1�1's� shall be�' �and'; be separated fmm v�icular� areas� by a.6 ��inch�tiigh, 6� inch,.wide �portl�d cmcrete c�ait, cuzbing. �_� 2. Paxking��,lot lights shall,be.loa pcessuce sadi�,and have.'.a-��maximinn��heig}'it of eigh[eai. (18)� fee[ from the finistied' grade of� the pasicing surface���d be away'from�all property lines: �adjacait'sttee[s.and. resida�ces��. �� 3. �AL1 two-way tzaffic�aisles�<:shall be�:a.;minimim of 24 fee access - �sha11 be prwided;,maintained fxee�ar�d clear, a�minim�ao of. feet wide'at all�times �ring �conseivctim in :accoid�ce with Safery Services ��D`epar�s�t *��; �� �4. Al�l paiking spaces sLiall;be double striped. . . C. I�BCAPIHG - ��. A detailed l�ilsraper�id;,irrigatim��pl� shall be suhvitted to:and�.approved by�the -� Ptrtilic,Services:Depaxtmeit' az�d Pl�ning� Services �Depar�ait. prioi to [tie issu�ce of�. �building�pe�ts.. . �_� 2. A-Master Plan of the,�ecisting on-site trees sha11 be' provided to the Pl�nin� �ervices _ . Depax�eit prior �to the fssuance of'tiuilding peimits. az�d prior�� to �grading. to dete�ie-wtiich [rees stiall be recained. ��} 3. Eusting m-eite trees� s�tiall be'rerained �wherever passible and st�all be tri�ed azid/or topped. Ikad, .decayiiig.`or pota�tially daz�gerous trees _stiall be �approved for iP�oval at�'tlie discretim of �the. Pl�mingaServices �.Depar�ait�.during; the ieview of the Pl�,af°',exisring�m-site trees: "ltiose trees'��which are approved for'r�wal• eha11 -be � xeplaced� ai a tzee-for-eree��.tias1's as requixed�by the Pl�ing Services Departmait. �--� ��:{�4 SEieet trees. a m,�;�.� of,]S��gallon size or lprger, stiall be installed in,accord�ce'�. � m in erioi ��d0 f . eetem ext n'�orbstreetsed, a[ az� avexage`� of every-� 30 feet . ._._..... .. _ . ,�� 5�. A mfni� of'S0 aees pei�gxnss; acre � comprised of the �following.sizes,. shall be prov'ided within the develc�mait;. 20X -�24" tim� or�°lazgez; 70R�:- gallon, az�d 10% 5 gallm to' the saSsfacrim of? the Director of Pl�ming �Services ��d� in accoxdaz�ce'witl� :the eiQpxoved:'l�s_caPe Pl�<in all�.multif�ily �d PRD�-projecte.. - - ��6. All�-laz�dscaped.ax�as�.stia11 be�maintained in a Healthg �d thriving conditiar.. fiee �fram"weed.s.�. txash, ar�d debris. � D. SIGBS ��1, Arry�:�signs� pxvpased for�this� develoFinau shall �be designed azid:appivved:in confozmar�ce witti the Sign �Ocdina�ce. �_� 2• �p•Comperhsisive.Sig{� Fzogr� for'�this �develo[mait�. shall be subroi[teds[o the Pl�ming ServicES Depaz�eit3f� ttieir ceviei?�prior [o`issvar�ce of bui�1'ding peimits�. Approval shall.be by"tkie;City Caaicil. 10 oF';� 3 APR 15 1986 I T E M 6 � � � '' E. BECHEAiIOH � ��1... On�lots having�a pdvate�or puGlic equestrian/pedestiian xrai�l-�.m or�adjacent to their ' pmperty,.ithe'developer is��iequixed�to containeil within.the.�C.C.fiR..'s the follvaing ��stat�a�t: � In puxrhasing the h�e, I have read ttle CcC 6R.'s�and tmderstarid that said lot is - subject to � eas�at>�for the puipose��of allowirjg eques[riari/pedestrLan traffic. � - �y�/�2. The developer'shall impxvve: the equestdan/pedesCrian�trai-1 syet�.in accord�ce���with � the adopted sign semidarde`and to thel�satisfacti6n�of�ttie•DLrectore of Public �d Plazuiing�� Setvicee:��. - , ' ' ' �_� a. PrLor�tq��final.mep.approval: . �y{� b. Prior�to�buLlding pexmit iasuance. � i . �yr 3. M ops� space eaS�t �ehall be granted to �f1�e�:City. wer,: upm,. acrosa� and imder the � area,defined�,on.[he�final IDape,;as azi equestrian:�trail and'-no,tiuilding, structuces or. other things.ahall be crostructed, erected, pleced or mainEained';ai sub,ject easemats except �foY the crostructim end mainta�ce of eaid trail etxucEums appurEaiai�f to tlie �tcail. - �vr 4. Dedica[e tl�e'Mastei%plaimed equeatzian/pedestrian tralla to the satlefaction of the ' Directora oP� khe Departme�ta,..of �Public �d Plaiming servicee in acco{41ar�ce with the Master�Plan of Tra11a��El�t. ��5. Pa�claiid Pedicatim ar'payweit of`Pa:ic Fees at �ha eatatillahad raEe ahall be mede� �_� a. Pdor to �final::mep-;epprovalr. . . �� b. Prior'to 6ul�lding peLmit Lseu�ce. Y. �EYISTI�.SiBOCTOBFS �_� 1• Peavide compli�ce wlth�the Unifocm���SuildLng•Code��for property-llne:elearancea considering uae; azea�and fite-resistrvenese of exietin��buildinp,s. i �_� 2. 6ciating�6uilding(s)�etiall,be made to comply with currenE'�Building and zoning regulatrons'for�the Lntmded��nse��or��rhe building shall be�deralished:� �_� 3. Existing sewage�disposal facilities:shall tie reooved, filled�and/or capped.�to wt�ly with�appropriate giading�practices�.end,t2fe Uniform Pl�bing Code. C. ADDRIONAL.APPBOVAIS�BEQOIRED � � 1• Rvelopuerit��Reviea or Minor Development Review shall be accompllshed prior to the� � issaance"of a:tiuilding perniit. - � � � 2• Development Reviei+ or.Minoi Development Review shall�be.accort�lished prior to � rem�da[ion of .[tie fi�l autidivision �_� �3.c 7his Cqnditional Uae Peimit is�,gran[ed for a periodiof month(s) at the�end of: � �c�tiicti� Eime�. the City Coimcil msy add.or� delete conditions�, or r`ewke [he ConditLonal Use��Pe=mit�. � _ _ - ��4. ''1}ie developer;shall display a current Zoning and Iand Use Map Sn�ttie sales-office at all�.tSroes, suitable�alternative to the satrsfaction of �the Director of�Planning r �Services. �- � � �v� 5. Fhen�pu6lic oi private equestriazr/pedestcian tcails are required_ as�a part�-of�[Fie subdivision, ttie developer sha11 display a vap in sales office, of"said � subdivision, indicating the trails. ���6. P11 sales maps t1i8t.are.dis[ributed�-or made available to the pu611c shall include but not be���limited to trails,�futuze and existinR schobls, parks�,�arid.streets. ��7. 'lhe�developes�shall provide a croise�display board in the�sales��office to the satisfcation�of the�plarmingiServices Director. 9ie display shall�include.the site . plan�and:.noise study.� � � I���oFz3 - AFR 15 1986 ITEM � 6 � � n 8. �Lbzki� draciiip�sr shall includ'e �a eertification by a iieco�ized acoustical expert thac� � �the mquir�ts of�Paay's.mise ordfnance will �be me£. � � '(] 9. At [k�e,empletion �of coris[iuction, ��d� prior to �interior and exterior C[v�EL shal.l��be detetmined by field [estin��.at developer's expaise. Tests to be conduceed`by' a'recog�ized'acoustical expert. Fb occuparicy�permits shall be Rranted �mtil�Conditl'on F-7 is�:met.tn the.satisfact� of the,:Buildin� Code (latest adopted edition) "Srnmd� . � - 1tm�isiao.Control.^ . . . . ` . �II. APPLICAIPF�SHAi]:COIPIACT��.THEi.PQBLIC-SEBVICFS DEPARTMENI REGARDIPG�COhffL7ANCE•i11TH'T��FOL7AA�ING - CONDITZOKS: H�. �.GBADIlBG ���• Gcading� of ,- the , : ; sutiject propeity atiall in�accordaz�ce�, vith- the Ifiiform �Bui�ldinR Code, Citq GtadinR �Ordinazice, � appcvved Kradiry; plan and Reotec�viical �repoct; �d accepted grading praccices. � ��2. 'Ihe gfad'utq pl��.shall cdntain a,certificate si�ed by�a registered civil.engineer _ . � � that�.the grading�.plan has 'a minimnu.of�100 square feet-�of solar access for . each ��7t�.,e taut� �d foe each. £vture. build'uig site� f.rittiin th'e siibdivision. �] 3. .A�reoils repqrt:.ahall be,prepar?d.by.�:a�.qiulified engineer licrosed by: S[ate of� ' -California to pe�foim.srh wvrk. - - �_� a. Pribr to fir�al �maP aPProval �approval. - .. [� b. Yrinr tn'�6ui13in�,perrtdt fsm�ce. ,. �_� 4. A geological.:report'shall:�be prepared.by a quallfied engineer, ot=ga�loRist az�d sulmitted at time,of �p2ication fvr gradi.cg checic�. - �_� �5. 7kie firial �adiiig,plar� stull be eub�ect to reviev �d approval;by the PlarminR Services .arid Putilie��.Servic�.v�Depar�a�0'�d'stiall be ca�leted�prior to`recordation of. the final � subdivisian map or:issuarice.of`-buildit�g�pexmit, whichevet comes�fir'st. I. S1REE'f5� APD SIDFSAI85� '-- - . . �_� 1• A11.Cira�l�fon II�t�roads;shall b? dedicated �d improved'-to Circulation�El�t � .road stardards �d��to �tkie •specifications of. the Directo;� of Public"�Services. �_� 2. Ihe deyelnper shall pay`a:pro=rata�share for��[he=installation;or mgdification;of�the traffic sigials, at'.._ [� a. P�ior to.,final'�map aQpcoval. ` Cf b_ � mstutiains �. [� 3. �Vehiailar aarss�;ri�ts to Ciimlatiau �fi7�t�:roads' shall be� dedicated �to the �,Ciry of. 'Poaay �d L;6eled mi the �final map to the sa[isfaction of`the Directnr of�Rililic SeN1CPS.aC by sePaCaLe�do�?�C'_ [� 4. .91L +*+rnr;. streets be cvnsavcted to�:public..s�eet �standazds. � � I_I 'S. Sidewallcs (45���,/ �8) feet �..in �sba11 be`r� on .(bocfiLaie),.side(s) of I_I 6. ��.Reciprocal,access aid v�intenance �azid/ar��agrc�mts sFiall°be provided insisin��.access to�.all,parcPlatover�private�rvads. drives or��-packing���eas and mainta�ce thereof ta,the��.satisfaction of ttie�Director'of�Pulilic Services. r� 7• Street,,striping��d'si�ing�skia7.1 tie installed to��[he`satfsfaction of'�the�Director of Public�.Services. - . �_� 8• All stree[•stxvcRSal�sectiona.�sFiall be� s�bmitted to, �ed approve.d`by^-the�Director of � Putilic Sexvices. ' _ _ � �_� 9. Street.iuqirwenent plans,prepared pn�s[azidard siie sheets.by a ReRistered� Fngineer shall�,be submitee8�for;approval by the DirecEor of R�blic Senrices. P1� checic arid inspection expenses skiall be paid by the develaper. . � � 10. .All ez[erior'st;eet imprwanents shall tie constructed�prior to issi�ce-of�buildinR pexmits, to ttie.saeisfaction of the.Dir'ector of� Pi�61ic Services,. 1.2�F23 . APR 15 1986 ITEM 6 � �_� 11• Street lmpivv�ente�t�!lncLide, but aze not'limited to: .� . ' .a. �Sideaalks �e. CYoss ' � — �b. Drivewaye .�f�. All'ey gutter , c.� 'Fheel chalz"�i�pa _�g. Stieet pabing _'d. Qsb.and gatter _ h. .Alley paving atialP be constiuctGd prior to the�occupancy of the tuiita to�the satiefaction of Ehe� Director` of��Piiblic ServLces: - � - - - � I I� �Z• AL1 d�aged off=eite piiblic facilitres��,��including trees, eha11 be repaiied o� repla`ced prior to exoneration of�bonds and improv�ente, to the � __ satrefaction of fhe Depac�ent'bf �Publio'Services�. ��3. Prior to erry. wrk being,��perfocmed �Ln tJie piili�lc riy�t-of=way, ���encroachnent permJ.0 ekiall be�olitalned from ttie pu61Lc Secvlcee�offl�e end ePpcop�iete feee paLd, 3n �eddition to atry other;peimite�required. - ' � � �� � 14. 1he develaper ehell:pay^one^half Che'coet oF 4 City appmved lartdscaped medisn��along , � — ttie project�frontage(s).[� . • � [� a. Prior to�final map�approval. �� � r� b. Prior to;6uildtng'�,.pezmit>iss�az�ce. � � , � � [� 15. Streee fmprov�ente.and°maintenance sha11 be made in�accordance�witti�City�Ordinance etandarde Eor•� . . �_� fl• ,U[baq'etTeets ' ' �_� b. S�1-tvral� atreets . �_� c. Oedicated.zuraL,streeEs (] d. �Nm�edicated:!xural atreets � ��fi, 'IIie develapet�etiall pay��rhe�2Yaffic�MLtigation Fee at ttie esta6lished�ra[e: �_� a. � Prior to.final map.. . �v( b. �Prior [o'tiuilding'pe=mit issu�ce. J. �. DBAINBCE AND...FI.00D� CORl'ROJ. , �_� 1• lnteraectiom drains��,will'be required,at locations speqified by�the Director of Public, Services���d �im-accordar�ce��wt.th�s[andard mgineedng practices�.� � � 2• 1t�e proposed project faLle within areas indicated as subjeco Eo<flooding�,'ander the [�tional..Flood �lnsurance��Progr��end.le subjec[�to the provisions of that progr� �d'� City �Ordinance. � � 3. A dzainage systen capa6le of handling azid dlsposing of surface watei originating��. — witFiin the subdlvision°�az�d a11 surface waters that�may flow,onto�the subdivision from adjacent,laz�ds; stiall.be iequired. Said d�ainaRe systan.shaLl include�any�eas�ents azid structures�as��required by the Dir'ecEor of,:Public Seivices�to properly liandle�,'the: drainage�. � - .�_�, 4��. �Portland c�it�.concre[e cross�gutters stiall be installed where^water crosses�the roadways ���, 'Rie_Plaster�Plan�of Drainage:Fee eha11 be paid at�the:�esEablished rate in accqrdaz�ce � wLrh.the.Drainage Ordinance:. � ,��_� a• :Prior.to�final map apprwal. ' �. ��b. �Prior to'building=pecmit iesuarice. �: I_I 6. Cqncentcated floas�across��driveaays and/or sidewallcs shall not be pexmitted�. R. UTILIiIFS — 1, All�proposed utillties within tFie project shall be ins[al�led imderRroimd�lncluding ecisting utilities along Circulation Elanent roads�and/oc highways'less than�34.5 KV. i ��2. Utility easenents shall be provided�'CO the.specification of the serving utility mmpanies���and� thetDirectoc of Public Services. � �vr3. �..1he,develope;:shall,.tie.responsible foe the relocation�.and imdergrounding of existinR Q � � �� � public utilities,�as required: �� � ' " ' =� 3 . APR 15 1�8� LT � M 6, ,� �� ��4�. Water',, sewer., �d fire pcoteccion ay`st�s pl�s'skiall tie desi�ed, s�d a*T+�^ted� to . meet requir�eents of, the Cityrof -Pa�sy and tl�e Aealth Oepar�ait �of� the Caiaity of�,:5ari � -0iego. � � 5. Priot��to acceptance of�pzvpeity�for sef,�er seivic�, ma�e�ration'=to [he seper imQrovm�art azea�ahall occur. � �y�6. Developei shall constxuct;a';Iight syst� confo� oo`City'of Poway�StBdacds at�no ' � mst to the-�publie, svbjeetNto the<follavingc .a. Qit-off�.l�inaries shal:i be instaLled��which�vili.�provide.tcve�90'degee'cutoff' - 'az�d preveiit pro�ectim'of liy�t a6ove��tt�e-�.f�ismral fr+� the laaaat� of� the �l�p or� lip,he m�itting retractor ar�devire.. �� � . b. All fiMises-st�a11�u5e a clear, low pcess�se�-sodi�m vapor� Ii�tt saace. r. Pdvazice mergy� cliarRes� and District � chazges �shall?be paid�by ihe :developer: � d. Annexation;to�the�lightin� distric[ shall`:be aemm{7lished4�d evidence�of azmexation. az�d paymai[ of lighting fees ahall 6e- pcesa�ted �Eo�� the City. ��. Cable �television;services stull be:provided az�d� instaIIed"�iaderp,ramd. '(f�e developer shall notifq the��Cable' camp�iy whert trmctiing�frs���¢ilities is to`be>acmi�lis6ed. . L. GENERAI:.REQOIRF2Q?NLS�.AAD APPROVAIS�. - �_� 1• Permits fzom other aga�cies wLll be reqerired.a����fallu+s: a. Caltr�s '� .� b. �San �Uiego� Co�mry.Flood'. Contro Disa - c. Other: �� �.}�2. A copy of the. Covmants, Canditions�. az�d Restrfct�faB��((S5B's) azd/vr Articles of �.Incorporation;,of'the:,Homea.+ners„Association shall�be srtrject to�[tie xevie�,for: . canpli�ce with.conditions`herein, �to the s�ricfari.'. of.:the�:Clty Director.ofsPl�ning7Szrvlces„ sid�shall�be filedsvithLCre!Secretary_pf State, the Camty Recorder �d ttie City Clerk.at the�ttme a£ fiaal map: �sidei�ion. ��3. Prior�to recoidation, a.[�bcice.of'Intention�'�m fv2m.laxlseape.��d/ar Lt�itinB 1Hstricts skiall be filed,with�[he City,Crnmcil�.� �The engineering���cvs� �fmrolved foxmation shall be borne by��the;devP� C{. �� 4. Final parcel and' tract maps etiall. conform � to City st�dad.v ��d proced�aes. �—� -5. Hy�sepazate,doc�ent prior��fo.the.recording af�the final'su6divfsion �p,�ar,on� . — final subdivision map,. -there� shall �be granEed �to .the City; �i opei�� spac�'eas�mt ovec Iots� co�n areas. ..�Said vp� apace�eas�a� sha]l.be appr�zm�yy the,City�[Atto rne�y ���shaLl LimiC the use+nf� sai.d�oP� s¢ace`t° recrea[ional put�oses��, �,incii�ding bui13'uiys.. ari�.�� improv�sits.. CI.. 6. Should this subdivision be�?fvrEher divided. each�final� shali be• ,�vrrd:a.f�. appraval by.ffie Director'of�Putilic-'Services. rI� 7- All�prbvisioris Subdi"vision Ordi�ce of [he��Pway Fhmicipal Code�shalL be met as' � tkiey� �relate to the division of land. � �_� 8. 'Riose',portions of�the_subject�property�proposed,to,be.hel.d imder ao�a� woershiP sha11� be latieled:such��azid idai�ified a separate:Int �ber�ar the final �a� � , � � 9. Prior�to fu�al:map approval, all of the�=above impiw�ents _ " inseal�led`and proviifed, oz�deferred by guaranteeing installation within two�years from map�.rernrdation �or prior to building pe�it issuance, 'wFiichever`ocnss fiist,.'by"the� _ . -_. pYP CU[ion ofi.a�perfoimance agreenent�,�secured with sufficient secviities,'in�a�fozm approved by ttierCity.Attomey.. All necessary processing �fees,. deposits, �cd chaRps stiall�be paid�prior.to fiiial map appcoval. � � � 10• Pcior� m fina7. map approval, all dedications shall 6e:.�ndenand eas�ts�p,r�tcd�as required abqve. �_� 1:1• 1he-tmtative map approval.shall e�cpize on� _tml?ss an appPication for'Cime;"extension-;is received 0 ays prior to expiration in accordance ciith the City �s��s�a�:2s��,� o�a�t,�,�e. �4.oF;P�g AP.R 15 1986 I T E M 6. ' — I I�- � 'S ' € RS a � , RS'q' i , � [N . .. . i � � � � �� : ',4_ ..._ _ IR_C �.r- HR ' �RS 2� 1 , .� � � , � S 4' . � l� L��y: �.S � rallt r R ..I:�iI. qq:p l 4 � I 1 0$ � RS 7�1��.. �, .. _ ! 1 � +'I RRCc '�. � - RR-G ��.�I , � a ps � .. . ` ZON1N�1 q � I; ! q III RR C �°' �- i ` R RS R'OS' 4 I � I � �- �1 :� q y S J F o � I�i i �;RC� � R57 � � R ._ 1 �- ] S r t -< � :.i R RC �: 7 as•z ft5 2 r :P -' l • R ' - �RSJ. ♦ '�� q PS-)( I $ '� A nqc i Rn R ���� RS.Y . 4 . �.� I Y.-: �� � �RS 7 ..:: ea.c � - .RA � .RA I .I- I -:. --: es i C � ;rts 7:. Ac I-.. � ,, . cc. � � '� .�_.�.;j. . �p M5 MS '� . � E � �;, • � v�. :. rlft[ .Yf � ��•. F / . s-� � . ._ k i , �_. -� _ ,�+. 4 �.— r. S •:� r4 � t L � � j . � � �� �� ,_,. � Y. � �ENEi�AL.: Pi�tJ .._; . � ,,,,� - :,. 3 � . . �'" _.- - : �?' — ` --� ° .i � . :.� _ � \ , �' . fi.:= -- :1 • tsf 1 � o � ^{'� � CITY OF I'OWAY ITEM :►�� O3 _..� ���� ��,� TITLE : �4��L� SG�ALE : �— ATTACH'ME`NT I 3 1�oFZ3 APR�1,51986 ITEM 6 I I�,1'; ` ll ' i ' :���� ' _� , � � �1 ,,�.. . i / rftc r--c,� :�. i ..` i � ' �� � �` �: � r� t�x:.��--.�!i , .. �..`I . ; : � ��� �4�� ` a .. �. j , t`�2� ,J +� . ` i y { y.. \ � �_= �. :1 i-Li .F�-.+--. � ` � . ' � �. � � i \�� - �•�) .'� � � ' � � � , I , `. - ,—� ' _: � .,�, ;.J � � : � a ',� �^ - , v , �., ,� �y ` ��� �, ; i, ' � , ��i' v , � � 7" � � � �� - F `, ' : � 5 � � l ,h . �- "i ? � : ' � 7 ��'``�� i -„_; ' . 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