Item 6 - DR 86-13 and TUP 86-58 Poway Park Inc., Applicant AGENDA REPORT oF o ,� qy G��� CITY OF POWAY j AyeC IN THE T0: Honorable Mayor and Manbers of the City Council FRQM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: Reba-Touw, Directar of Planning Services DATE: August 19, 1986 SUB,]ECP: Developnent Revi�v 86-13 and Tanporarv'USe Peniut 86-58 PoriaY Pa'rk Iric. ;. applicant B�GKGROONID T6e developer has reqaested a continuance o€ this iten to S�tsnber 2, 1986, and we kiave rescheduled this:itan for`this date. The surrounding property aaners. have �� notified of'this chanqe. rR�7C�fl�SIDATIGld It is recam�nded that the.Ci:ty Council continue DeveTopnent Review 86-13 and Ta�orary Use Permit 86-58'to S�ifanbar 2; 1986. JI,B : RT :ml ACTION: Continued to September 2, 1986. � ��=�- � ��U�ws� Marjorie\K. Wahlsten, City Clerk �� AUG 19 1986 (TEM 6